6.857: Computer and Network Security (Spring 2013)



Problem Set 5 out

Problem Set 5 is now out and is due Monday, May 6. The accompanying USTclient.py.


Problem Set 4 out

Problem Set 4 is now out and is due Friday, April 12. Sample solutions to Problem Set 3 are available on the protected page.


Problem Set 3 out

Problem Set 3 is now out, and groups have been posted. Note that the due date is Friday, March 22. Also due Friday the 22nd: a writeup with your project group members, a description of your project idea, and a list of possible references.


Problem Set 1 Returned; Add Date

Problem Set 1 was returned today in class. Sample solutions are available from the "Students Only" page.
Additionally, Add Date is this Friday. Please double-check your registration status on WebSIS! If you have been assigned to homework groups and no longer wish to take the class for credit, we'd appreciate it if you let 6857-tas know.


Problem Set 2 Posted

Problem Set 2 has been posted; see the "Lectures and Handouts" page.


Password hashing competition

There is a new competition for designing a password-hashing scheme; see here.


Problem Set 1 posted

Problem Set 1 has been posted, along with associated files, on the Lectures and Handouts page. The groups for Problem Set 1 are also available. Please contact 6857-tas with any questions!


New course catalog description

6.857 Network and Computer Security
Prereq: 6.033, 6.042J
G (Spring)
3-0-9 H-LEVEL Grad Credit
Topics vary somewhat from year to year, but the emphasis is on applied cryptography and may include: basic notions of systems security, cryptographic hash functions, symmetric cryptography (one-time pad, stream ciphers, block ciphers), cryptanalysis, secret-sharing, authentication codes, public-key cryptography (encryption, digital signatures), public-key infrastructure, elliptic curves and bilinear maps, buffer overflow attacks, web browser security, biometrics, electronic cash, viruses, electronic voting. Assignments include a group final project.
R. L. Rivest


Relevant talk

On extractable functions and other beasts, Theory Colloquium 2012/2013,
Note that it is for non-cryptographers.
Speaker: Ran Canetti
Speaker Affiliation: Boston University and Tel Aviv University
More info here.
Date: 2-12-2013
Time: 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM
Refreshments: 3:45 PM
Location: 32-141; refreshments in Stata's G5 lounge


If you have not taken 6.033...

You may find useful the 6.033 textbook, particularly the chapter on Information security.



There will be no recitation tomorrow (February 8). Starting next week, we plan to have the (optional) recitation sections on Fridays at 2pm in 37-212.


Course signup

If you're interested in taking 6.857 (either for credit or as a listener), please fill out the signup sheet here.


Welcome to 6.857!

Welcome to 6.857, Spring 2013.

Please signup on Piazza here.