6.849: Geometric Folding Algorithms: Linkages, Origami, Polyhedra (Fall 2012)

Prof. Erik Demaine       TA: Jayson Lynch

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[+] Artistic origami design: Jason Ku designs, other materials (dollars, cardboard, hydro, metal, polypropylene), tessellations, Tess, connected cranes, modular origami, business card cubes.

This class covers even more examples of artistic origami design:
  • Origami designs by Jason Ku (Lecture 5's guest lecturer)
  • Different materials: dollar bills, cardboard, Hydro-Folding, sheet metal, and polypropylene (a type of plastic)
  • Tessellations: folding in a repeated pattern
  • Tess, software for designing certain tessellations
  • Connected cranes, an old Japanese tradition of folding multiple cranes from a slit sheet of paper
  • Modular origami: geometric forms from multiple repeated units
  • Business card cube folding (hands on!)

Download Video: 360p, 720p

Handwritten notes, page 1/1[previous page][next page][PDF]

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Images http://​scripts.mit.edu/​~jasonku/​img/​f-16_1.jpg & http://​scripts.mit.edu/​~jasonku/​img/​f-16_2.jpg & http://​scripts.mit.edu/​~jasonku/​img/​f-16_4.jpg from http://​scripts.mit.edu/​~jasonku/​index.php?id=2012&model=f-16

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