Course Staff

Prof. Nancy Lynch,
lynch (at)
Phone: 253-7225
Office: 32-G668
Office Hours: By appointment

Dr. Victor Luchangco ,
victor.luchangco (at)
Phone: 253-0309
Office: 32-G628
Office Hours: By appointment

Calvin Newport,
Teaching Assistant
cnewport (at)
Phone: 253-1922
Office: 32-G670
Office Hours: Tue 4:00 to 6:00

6.852: Distributed Algorithms


Note on Problem 3 of PS 7
As we learned from the first problem set of the year, you can assume that for problem 3 of PS 7 that the fixed edge weights are positive.

HKN Course VI Underground Guide Evaluations
Starting on May 7th you can provide feedback on the course for the HKN Course VI Underground Guide. The feedback form can be found here.

Code for Hand Over Hand Locking Algorithm
To help you answer your problem set question on the Hand Over Hand locking algorithm, we whipped up some code to disambiguate how it works. [RTF]

Chapter 9 from the Herlihy, Shavit Book
You can download the linked list chapter listed for next tuesday's class here [PDF]. This chapter is excerpted, with permission, from the book The Art of Multiprocessor Programming , by Maurice Herlihy and Nir Shavit (Morgan Kaufmann, 2008.)

Revised Course Schedule
We have posted a new course schedule that reflects the recent shuffling of lectures [PDF].

Readings for Tomorrow's Class Changed
Due to some rearrangement of the order of material, we have updated the readings for tomorrow's class. Chapter 12 has been replaced with the two papers mentioned in yesterday's lecture. See Handout 11 for details.

Hints and Clarifications for B2 on Pset 2
For part (a), include in your skeleton only the vertexes associated with failure-free runs. For part (b), after labeling the three faces, as asked by part (a), choose an interior point and label it with the appropriate initial value vector. Consider the tiny simplex consisting of this point and two of its neighbors. Describe in high-level words the difference between the three runs labeling the three vertexes.

New Problem Set Formatting Rules
Starting with problem set 2, we ask that you follow the revised formatting rules:
  1. Hand in two copies. One will be used as a back-up, the other will be distributed to the graders.
  2. Hand in each problem on a separate page(s).
  3. Put your name and the problem number on every piece of paper you hand in.
  4. If you skip a problem, still hand in a page that says "I skipped the problem."
  5. You can staple individual problems. But don't staple together different problems. (We divide your psets by problem for grading.)
As always, e-mail me if you have questions.

Modification to Problem 2 From Pset 1.b
You can assume that the edge weights in the graph are positive. (The book assumes only non-negative weights.) Of course, if you already have an answer for non-negative edge weights, it will work for positive weights as well.

Cancel Problem 5 From Pset 1.b
You do not have to complete problem 5 from part b of the first problem set. (We didn't get far enough in class today.)

Sign-Up for HW Grading
Consult the Grader Assignment table below. Choose a problem set that still needs graders. E-mail Cal with your choice to sign-up to grade that assignment.

E-mail to Join Class Mailing List
E-mail Cal to join the class mailing list.

First Day of Class on Tuesday
The first day of class is Tuesday, 2/5. We meet at 11 AM in room 4-149.

Grader Assignments

Pset Grading Period Graders
1 2/21 to 2/25 5/5
2 3/6 to 3/10 5/5
3 3/20 to 3/24 5/5
4 4/10 to 4/14 4/5
5 4/24 to 4/28 4/5
6 5/8 to 5/12 3/5
7 5/15 to 5/19 0/5

  1. Course Information [PDF]
  2. Course Schedule [PDF]
  3. Supplementary Reading List [PDF]
  4. Problem Set 1, Part a [PDF]
  5. Problem Set 1, Part b [PDF]
  6. Problem Set 2, Part a [PDF]
  7. Problem Set 2, Part b [PDF]
  8. Introduction to Tempo Toolkit [PDF]
  9. Problem Set 3, Part a [PDF]
  10. Problem Set 3, Part b [PDF]
  11. Problem Set 4, Part a [PDF]
  12. Problem Set 4, Part b [PDF]
  13. Problem Set 5, Part a [PDF]
  14. Problem Set 5, Part b [PDF]
  15. Revised Course Schedule [PDF]
  16. Problem Set 6, Part a [PDF]
  17. Problem Set 6, Part b [PDF]
  18. Problem Set 7 [PDF]