Spring 2011

Robotics: Science and Systems I

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6.141/16.405J - RSS Labs

Lab Hours:

    You are allowed to use the lab space during posted lab hours:
    M-F:9am-12 midnight
    Sat: Closed

Lab Rules

Lab Staffing Schedule

    The LAs and TAs will be available during many of the Lab Hours noted above, as well as some times outside of the Lab Hours noted above. Once these hours are finalized, they will be posted on the RSS course wiki. Until then, notice will be sent via email to the RSS-students list. These additional LA/TA hours are to help you if you have questions on the lab or to checkoff sections of the lab.

Guide to Subversion use in RSS

Lab Handout: Engineering Meta-Tools

Lab 1: 02 Feb 2011 - Lab 1: System Overview and Introduction to the µORCboard
Picture of uORCboard
Picture of uORCboard floorplan
µORCboard floorplan

Lab 2: 07 Feb 2011 - Motor Characterization and Motion Control

Lab 3: 16 Feb 2011 - Light Sensors and Braitenberg Behaviors

Lab 4: 22 Feb 2011 - The Carmen Robot Control Package and Visual Servoing

Lab 5: 2 March 2011 - Local Navigation and Error Analysis

Lab 6: 14 March 2011 - Motion Planning and Global Navigation

Lab 7: 30 March 2011 - Grasping and Object Transportation

Picture of Bryt Bradley
RSS-Webmaster, Bryt Bradley