6.811: Principles and Practice of Assistive Technology
Remembering Seth Teller
PPAT was previously taught by Professor Seth Teller, who passed away on July 1, 2014. We are proud to continue Professor Teller's efforts through his course.
For those who have interacted with Professor Teller or known of his passion for assistive technology:
- To honor his memory, MIT has created the Seth Teller Memorial Fund to Advance Technology For People With Disabilities, which will support research, education, and other innovations that advance and improve assistive technology for people with a range of disabilities.
- As the MIT News Article notes, MIT’s support services are available to all members of the MIT community and can be accessed via MIT Together, or at 617-253-2916.
- In addition to the Memorial Fund, Professor Teller's personal page has a link to an email address, rememberingseth@csail.mit.edu, where you can share your thoughts, photos, or stories.