6.xxx (AKA 6.803 and 6.833)

The Human Intelligence Enterprise: 2019

Style Guide
Grading Marks
Project Instructions
Office hours


The Genesis Enterprise: Taking Artificial Intelligence to another Level via a Computational Account of Human Story Understanding, by Patrick Henry Winston and Dylan Holmes

But read assignment first.


If you discuss the paper or the assignment with another student—which we encourage—indicate whom you have talked with in your submitted composition. Of course your submitted composition must be written entirely by you.

On a total of one side of one sheet of paper, using 10 pt type or larger, with standard interline spacing and margins, respond to all the following:

The Dean of the new Schwartzman College has decided to have a roadshow that will run in Paris, Moscow, Mumbai, Sinapore, Beijing, and other places with a high density of investors and philanthropists. You are Dylan Holmes, one of 100 students asked to prepare a poster for a poster session.

Alas, you, Holmes, are helping Professor Winston with 6.xxx, and you do not have time. He asks you for help.

You decide to prepare a poster for Holmes based on the paper cited. You only have time to read Sections 1, 2, and 8, skiming the rest.