6.006: Introduction to Algorithms

Lectures and Handouts

Below are materials and information relevant to 6.006 lectures, recitations, and quizzes. These materials will be updated as term progresses.

Lecture and recitation notes are posted on the class wiki.

ThuSep 10
Readings: CLRS, chapters 1, 2, 3.
FriSep 11
TueSep 15
Readings: CLRS, chapter 4
PS1 Out
WedSep 16
ThuSep 17
Readings: CLRS, chapter 12
FriSep 18
TueSep 22
PS1-A Due
WedSep 23
ThuSep 24
PS1-B Due
PS2 Out
FriSep 25
Recitation 5
TueSep 29
Lecture 6
WedSep 30
Recitation 6
ThuOct 1
Lecture 7
FriOct 2
Recitation 7