2011 Course Calendar

Lecture 1 (9/7) Introduction
Lecture 2 (9/12) Types of parallel computers
Lecture 3 (9/14) Parallel prefix
HW1 out
Lecture 4 (9/19) More parallel prefix
code for MPI scan by Argonne National Laboratory
Source: https://svn.mcs.anl.gov/repos/mpi/mpich2/trunk/src/mpi/coll/scan.c
MATLAB code illustrating recursive doubling algorithm.
(9/21) No lecture
Lecture 5 (9/26) Lincoln Labs view of the cloud, intro to MapReduce
guest lecture by Jeremy Kepner
HW1 due
Lecture 6 (9/28) MapReduce as accumarray
HW2 out
Lecture 7 (10/3) MapReduce, graph partitioning
Lecture 8 (10/5) MapReduce, more partitioning
Project discussion session (10/6)
8:00pm 2-135
Project idea slides
(10/10) No lecture
Columbus day
Lecture 9 (10/12) guest lecture by Viral Shah
HW2 due
Lecture 10 (10/17) Parallel linear algebra past and future
Project proposal due
Lecture 11 (10/19) LU decomposition
Lecture 12 (10/24) Ring and hypercube topologies
Lecture 13 (10/26)
Lecture 14 (10/31) FFT
Lecture 15 (11/2) FFT
Lecture 16 (11/7) FFT
Lecture 17 (11/9) Parallel programming in Julia
Code from class
Lecture 18 (11/14) Domain decomposition, PDEs
Lecture 19 (11/16) Finite differences, direct and iterative methods, preconditioned conjugate gradient
Lecture 20 (11/21) Schur complement method, intro to sparse methods
Project progress update due
(11/23) No lecture
Lecture 21 (11/28) Fast multipole method
Lecture 22 (11/30) guest lecture by Toby Bloom
Lecture 23 (12/5) Student project presentations
Lecture 24 (12/7) Student project presentations
Lecture 25 (12/12) Student project presentations
Lecture 26 (12/14)
Final project reports due