Table of Contents

Problem Set 01: Python Warmup

The objective of the first pset is to familiarize with Python and the Jupyter notebook that we'll be using in this course.

You'll complete three exercises in a Jupyter notebook:

  1. Implement a simple function
  2. A brute-force approach to the Knapsack Problem
  3. Approximate pi using Monte Carlo sampling

Obtain the pset

Read the quick start guide first.

Make sure the VM is up to date as indicated in Updating the 16.410 VM. The folder pset1-python-warmup will appear in the ~/jupyter/psets folder.

Open the Jupyter notebook with the desktop shortcut. Then navigate to psets > pset1-python-warmup > ProblemSet01_PythonWarmup.ipynb

Read the instructions in the notebook and complete with your answers. See Jupyter/IPython documentation for more information about the Jupyter notebook.

Also remember that the first recitation (F 09/09) will cover how to use the virtual machine and the Jupyter notebook.

Submitting your pset

You need to submit the completed Jupyter notebook that contains your solutions in Stellar before the deadline.

Follow the instructions here for instructions on how to do that.

Questions / doubts / technical problems

Remember that you can post questions in our Piazza Forum. Please do not post answers to the problems, though.
