MIT 6.S194 | Open Source Software Project Lab  

Project Signup Form

Name Description Mentors Link
Freeseer The Freeseer project is a powerful software suite for capturing video. Andrew Ross, Thanh Ha, Joseph Yeung, Dennis Ideler details
Kotlin Kotlin is a statically typed programming language aiming to modernize and improve on the Java and Javascript platforms. Andrey Breslav details
Mongo DB MongoDB is an open source, document-oriented database designed with both scalability and developer agility in mind. Brandon Black, Bernie Hackett details
Mozilla Open Badge Mozilla Open Badge makes it easy for any organization to issue, manage and display digital badges across the web. Chris McAvoy details
Phabricator Phabricator is a suite of web applications that help software companies communicate about software development. Evan Priestley details
Pouch DB PouchDB is a database written in JavaScript for web browsers that has in built sync capabilities Dale Harvey, Nuno Job details
Socket IO Socket.IO is a Node.JS framework that enables the creation of realtime web applications. Guillermo Rauch details
Review Board Review Board is a powerful web-based code review tool that offers developers an easy way to handle code reviews. David Trowbridge, Mike Conley, Christian Hammond, and Steven MacLeod details
Ruby on Rails Ruby on Rails (or just "Rails") is an MVC framework for developing websites Aaron Patterson details