Location and Hours

Location: 36-112
Hours: 1pm - 5pm

In the first couple of weeks, the teams will be given daily instructions on what they will do. In the seconds half of the class, the goals become open-ended and it is up to the teams to decide what skills and motions they will incorporate in their program.


6.095 is open to all MIT students, both undergraduate and graduate. Although there are no formal prerequisites, we do recommend that teams have at least one person familiar with C/C++ programming. For the most part, all other necessary material will be presented in the class through introductory lectures. We are limiting enrollment to 12 students in order to work closely with all teams. For this reason, we ask that participants have no other major IAP commitments. All teams will be chosen through a random lottery after the registration deadline.

There will be a materials fee of $80 for each participating team. If you would like to participate and are unable to do so because of financial difficulties, please let us know. We will most definitely work something out. Also, given the high cost of the hardware and our limited sponsorship, students will not be able to keep the robots.

We ask that students register in teams of two (students choose their own teams). The deadline for registration is Friday December 7th. In order to register your team, please email the following information for each team member in a single email (subject: Team Registration) to: robo-one [at] mit.edu

Teammate Name
MIT email address
Phone #
Course #
Year (e.g. junior, grad)

Please note that by registering for 6.095, you agree to participate in the course. If you withdraw after being accepted in the lottery, you will not be permitted to register in future years. After registering for the course, your participation fee will not be refunded. If you find out you are unable to attend the class after the lottery, notify us immediately so that we may give your spot to another team.


You may see the class' syllabus for IAP 2009 here.

Class Schedule

There will be an orientation meeting one week after the registration deadline. Participation fees will be collected at this meeting and important class information will be distributed to students. The first day of class is January 7th. Class then meets Mon-Fri (excluding holidays) from 1-5pm.