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If you discuss the paper or the assignment with another studentwhich we encourageindicate whom you have talked with in your submitted composition. Of course your submitted composition must be written entirely by you. |
Imagine that Winston has broadcast an email message asking what you liked best and disliked most. You are to prepare an email reply in the following form, but do not consider The Genesis Manifesto for best or worst.
The paper I consider best was ... because ...
The paper I consider worst was ... because ...
The issues/questions/positions I am eager to see discussed further are ... because ...
We will tally up best/worst candidates in class. Come with second choices.
A friend has become a staffer on a congressional committee that is determined to stop all funding for AI research and withhold all federal funding to states in which AI research is conducted. Members are upset by various statements such as:
Knowing you took 6xxx, your friend asks you to testify about where we are, where we are going, and whether congress should act to protect the people. As usual in congressional testimony, you will deliver some opening remarks. Prepare your remarks, concluding with recommendations (also known as contributions).