STS.185/6.972 |
Handout #7 6.972/STS.185 Project History Proposals: Guidelines November 5, 1997 Each group should submit a proposal for their project history by Friday, November 7 at 5pm. The proposal should give us a detailed sense for what work you expect to do in the next month before these are due. It should be 3-4 pages, single spaced. Part of the point of this exercise is to enable us to help you get these projects focused and on track, so tell us anything you feel we need to know, or anything youd like help with. The proposal should cover the following (not necessarily in this order):
Example framing questions might be: What happens when a technological trajectory is interrupted by a business failure? How do Tom Wests technical management techniques (e.g. signing up, pinball, etc.) compare to those of XX? When is it not a good idea to black box a technology? How has the need to determine "firsts" distorted the history? What kinds of new skills did this technology require? Who actually built it? How was success defined and who got to define it? How does the controversy over XX reveal the important issues at stake? How did the engineers at XX deal with uncertainty? Was the founder of company XX doing heterogeneous engineering? How did XX convince others to trust the new technology? What convinced XX to trust it in the first place? How did the engineering team make their new technology acceptable? How did XX build a company, a new technology, and a new product simultaneously? Can you characterize the corporate culture at XX? Did participants argue that the technology was following a "natural trajectory" in order to get their new ideas accepted? Did it follow that trajectory in the end? Who defined the line between "technical" and "non-technical" for what purposes? Did XX use the rhetoric of "invention" to sell an old idea?
VIII. Oral presentation Begin thinking about how to present this story in thirty minutes. Who will present which parts? What visuals will you use? Do you have documents that would be well suited to overhead slides?