Course Overview

A printable version course overview is also available.



This class covers mathematical foundations of parallel hardware, from computer arithmetic to physical design, focusing on algorithmic underpinnings. Topics include arithmetic circuits, parallel prefix, systolic arrays, retiming, clocking methodologies, boolean logic, sorting networks, interconnection networks, hypercubic networks, P-completeness, VLSI layout theory, reconfigurable wiring, fat-trees, and area-time complexity.

The class is suitable for both theory and systems students. M.Eng. students can use the class to satisfy their Engineering Concentration in either Theoretical Computer Science or Computer Systems and Architecture Engineering.

A detailed schedule of topic coverage will appear in the Course Calendar.

Course Website

The class has a comprehensive web site:

All course information such as

are available on this website. We will generally not distribute any paper handouts. Course notes, problem sets and solutions, etc., will be posted on the course website. It is always worth checking the website for corrections and announcements before starting problem sets.


The official prerequisites for the course are 6.046J (Introduction to Algorithms} and 6.004 (Computation Structures) (or courses covering equivalent material). No computer architecture knowledge is necessary.

Course Requirements

The course consists of two primary components: problem sets and a final exam. Emphasis will be on the problem sets.

Office Hours

The lecturers are generally available after class, as well as by appointment.


Throughout the class, collaboration is encouraged. The goal of homeworks is to give you practice in mastering the course material. Consequently, you are encouraged to collaborate on problem sets. You must write up each problem solution by yourself, however, even if you collaborate with others to solve the problem. If you do collaborate on homework, you must cite in a scholarly manner all of your collaborators.

Questions, Suggestions, and Complaints

You can send email to and several other choices on the contact page.

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