6.896 Project Presentations
October 15-17 2003

Improving Cilk

Adaptively Parallel Processor Allocation for Cilk Jobs
Kunal Agrawal
Siddhartha Sen

Design and implement a dynamic processor-allocation system for adaptively parallel jobs (jobs for which the number of processors that can be used without waste varies during execution)
The problem of allocating processors to adaptively parallel jobs is called the adaptively parallel processor-allocation problem [2].
At any given time, each job j has a desire dj and an allotment mj

Goal (cont.)
We want to design a processor-allocation system that achieves a “fair” and “efficient” allocation among all jobs.
“fair” means that whenever a job receives fewer processors than it desires, no other job receives more than one more processor than this job received [2]
“efficient” means that no job receives more processors than it desires [2]

Illustration of Problem

Main Algorithmic Questions
Dynamically determine the desires of each job in the system
Heuristics on steal rate
Heuristics on number of visible stack frames
Heuristics on number of threads in ready deques
Dynamically determine the allotment for each job such that the resulting allocation is fair and efficient
SRLBA algorithm [2]
Cilk macroscheduler algorithm [3]
Lottery scheduling techniques [5]

All jobs on the system are Cilk jobs
Jobs can enter and leave the system and change their parallelism during execution
All jobs are mutually trusting (they will stay within the bound of their allotments and communicate their desires honestly)
Each job has at least one processor to start with

Supercomputing Technologies Group. Cilk 5.3.2 Reference Manual. MIT Lab for Computer Science, November 2001.
B. Song. Scheduling adaptively parallel jobs. Master's thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 1998.
R. D. Blumofe, C. E. Leiserson, and B. Song. Automatic processor allocation for work-stealing jobs.
C. A. Waldspurger. Lottery and Stride Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management. PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September 1995.
C. A. Waldspurger and W. E. Weihl. Lottery scheduling: Flexible proportional-share resource management. In Proceedings of the First Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation, pages 1-11. USENIX, November 1994.
R. D. Blumofe, C. F. Joerg, B. C. Kuszmaul, C. E. Leiserson, K. H. Randall, and Y. Zhou. Cilk: An e±cient multithreaded runtime system. In Proceedings of the Fifth ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP), pages 207-216, Santa Barbara, California, July 1995.

Fast Serial-Append for Cilk
6.895 – Theory of Parallel Systems
Project Presentation (Proposal)
Alexandru Caracas

Serial-Append (cont'd)
A Cilk dag
Numbers represent the serial execution of threads
For example:
Consider all threads perform file I/O operations

Serial-Append (cont'd)
Same Cilk dag
Numbers represent the parallel execution of threads
We would like to execute the threads in parallel while still allowing for the serial order to be reconstructed.

Serial-Append (cont'd)
Partitioning of the Cilk dag
Colors represent the I/O operations done by a processor between two steal operations.

The Serial-Append of the computation is obtained by reading the output in the order:
orange (I)
green (II)
dark-red (III)
purple (IV)
red (V)

Project Goals
Efficient serial-append algorithm
possibly using B+-trees
Analyze possible implementation:
kernel level
formatted file
Cilk file system
(one of the above)
Port Cheerio to Cilk 5.4.
Comparison with own implementation
Port  serial applications to use serial-append (analyze their performance)

Robert D. Blumofe and Charles E. Leiserson. Scheduling multithreaded computations by work stealing. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, pages 356-368, Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 1994.
Matthew S. DeBergalis. A parallel file I/O API for Cilk. Master's thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 2000.
Supercomputing Technology Group MIT Laboratory for Computer Science. Cilk 5.3.2 Reference Manual, November 2001. Available at http://supertech.lcs.mit.edu/cilk/manual-5.3.2.pdf.

A Space-Efficient Global Scheduler for Cilk
Jason Hickey
Tyeler Quentmeyer

Implement a new scheduler for Cilk based on Narlikar and Blelloch’s Space-Efficient Scheduling of Nested Parallelism paper

AsyncDF Scheduler
Idea: minimize peak memory usage by preempting threads that try to allocate large blocks of memory
Algorithm: Roughly, AsyncDF runs the P left-most threads in the computation DAG


Comparison to Cilk
Run threads like a serial program until a processor runs out of work and has to steal
Space:  p*S1
Preempt a thread when it tries to allocate a large block of memory and replace it with a computationally heavy thread
Space: S1 + O(K*D*p)

AsyncDF Optmizations
Two versions of scheduler
Running P left-most threads does not exploit the locality of a serial program
Solution: Look at the cP left-most threads and “group” threads together for locality

Project Plan
Implement serial version of AsyncDF
Experiment with algorithms to group threads for locality
Performance comparison to Cilk
Different values of AsyncDF’s tunable parameter
Case studies
Recursive matrix multiplication
Strassen multiplication
N-body problem
Implement parallel version of AsyncDF
Performance comparison to Cilk
Additional experiments/modifications as research suggests


Automatic conversion of NSP DAGs to SP DAGs
Sajindra Jayasena

"Objectives :"
Objectives :
Design of an efficient Algorithm to convert an arbitrary NSP DAG to SP DAG
- Correctness preserving
Identifying different graph topologies
Analysis of Space and Time complexities
Bound on increase in critical path length
Perform empirical analysis using cilk

Transactional Cilk

Language-Level Complex Transactions
 C. Scott Ananian

An Evaluation of Nested Transactions
Sean Lie
6.895 Theory of Parallel Systems
Wednesday October 15th, 2003

Transactional Memory
The programmer is given the ability to define atomic regions of arbitrary size.
Flow[i] = Flow[i] – X;
Flow[j] = Flow[j] + X;
With hardware support, different transactions can be executed concurrently when there are no memory conflicts.

Nested Transactions
Nested transactions can be handled by simply merging all inner transactions into the outermost transaction.

Merging transactions is simple but may decrease the program concurrency.

Nested Concurrent Transactions
Nested Concurrent Transactions (NCT):
Allow the inner transaction to run and complete independently from the outer transaction.
When is NCT actually useful?
How much overhead is incurred by NCT?
How much do we gain from using NCT?
The tool needed to get the answers:
Transactional memory hardware simulator – UVSIM
UVSIM currently supports merging nested transactions.
How to get the answers:
Identify applications where NCT is useful. Look at malloc?
Implement necessary infrastructure to run NCTs in UVSIM.
Evaluate performance of NCT vs. merging transactions.

Compiler Support for Atomic Transactions in Cilk
Jim Sukha
Tushara Karunaratna

Determinacy Race Example

New Keywords in Cilk

Simulation of Transactional Memory

Work Involved
Modify the Cilk parser to accept xbegin and xend as keywords.
Identify all load and store operations in user code, and replace them with calls to functions from the runtime system.
Implement the runtime system.  An initial implementation is to divide memory into blocks and to use a hash table to store a lock and backup values for each block.
Experiment with different runtime implementations.

Data Race in Transactional Cilk
Xie Yong

Current Cilk: achieve atomicity using lock
problems such as priority inversion, deadlock, etc.
Nontrivial to code
Transactional memory
Software TM: overhead -> slow
Hardware TM

Cilk’s transaction everywhere
Every instruction becomes part of the a transaction
Based on HTM
Cilk transaction:
cut Cilk program into atomic pieces
Base on some language construct or compiler automatic generate

Data Race
Very different from traditional definition in Nondeterminator
Assumption (correct parallelization)
Definition (1st half of Kai’s master thesis)
Efficient detection (v.s. NP-complete proved by Kai)
Make use of current algorithms/tools

Non-Determinacy Detection

Linear-time determinacy race detection
Jeremy Fineman

Nondeterminator has two parts:
Check whether threads are logically parallel
Use shadow spaces to detect determinacy race
SP-Bags algorithm uses LCA lookup to determine whether two threads are parallel
LCA lookup with disjoint-sets data structure takes O(α(v,v)) time.
We do not care about the LCA. We just want to know if two threads are logically parallel.

New algorithm for determinacy-race detection
Similar to SP-Bags algorithm with two parts:
Check whether threads are logically parallel
Use shadow spaces to detect determinacy race
Use order maintenance data-structure to determine whether threads are parallel
Gain: Order maintenance operations are O(1) amortized time.

The algorithm
Maintain two orders:
Regular serial, depth-first, left-to right execution.
At each spawn, follow spawn thread before continuation thread
Right-to-left execution.
At each spawn, follow continuation thread before spawn thread
Claim: Two threads e1 and e2 are parallel if and only if e1 precedes e2 in one order, and e2 precedes e1 in the other.

Depth-first, left-to-right execution

Right-to-left execution

How to maintain both orders in serial execution
Keep two pieces of state for each procedure F:
CF is current thread in F
SF is next sync statement in F.
In both orders, insert new threads after current thread
On spawn, insert continuation thread before spawn thread in one order. Do the opposite in the other.
On sync, advance CF to SF
In any other thread, update shadow spaces based on current thread


Project Proposal:

Parallel Nondeterminator
He Yuxiong

I propose Parallel Nondeterminator to:
Check the determinacy race in the parallel execution of the program written in the language like Cilk
Develop efficient algorithm to decide the concurrency between threads
Develop efficient algorithm to reduce the number of entries in access history

Primitive Idea in Concurrency Test
(1) Labeling Scheme
(2) Set operation
   Thread representation (fid, tid)

"Two sets:"
Two sets:
Parallel set PS(f) ={(pf, ptid) |  all threads with tid >= ptid in function pf is parallel with the running thread of f}
Children set CS(f)={fid | fid is the descendant of current function }
Spawn: Thread Tx of function Fi spawn function Fj
Operations on child Fj
Operations on parent Fi

Sync: Function Fi executes sync
Return: Function Fj returns to Function Fi
CS(Fi) = CS(Fi) + CS(Fj)
Release PS(Fj) and CS(Fj)
Concurrency Test:
Check if (fx, tx) is parallel with the current running thread (fc, tc):

Primitive Idea for Access History
read(l), write(l)
Simplest parallel program without nested parallelism
Two parallel read records, one write record
Language structure like Cilk
read: max level of parallelism, one write record
Q: Is it possible to keep only two read records for each shared location in Cilk Parallel Nondeterminator?
Keep two parallel read records with highest level of LCA in parent child spawn tree.

"Thank you very much!"
Thank you very much!

Parallel Nondeterminator
Wang Junqing

Using Cilk

Accelerating Multiprocessor Simulation
6.895 Project Proposal
Kenneth C. Barr

UVSIM is slow
FlexSIM is cool
Interleave short periods of detailed simulation with long periods of functional warmup (eg., cache and predictor updates, but not out-of-order logic)
Achieve high accuracy in fraction of the time
Multi-configuration simulation is cool
Recognize structural properties.  E.G., “contents of FA cache are subset of all larger FA caches with same line size” so search small->large.  Once we hit is small cache, we can stop searching
Simulate many configurations with a single run

The Meta Directory
Combine previous ideas to speed multiprocessor simulation
Sequential Consistency is what matters, perhaps detailed consistency mechanisms can be interleaved with a fast, functional equivalent method

Meta-directory example
Detailed simulation:
P1 ld x ;null -> Sh, data sent to P1
P2 ld x ;Sh -> Sh, data sent to P2
   P3 ld x ;Sh- > Sh data sent to P3
   P2 st x ;Sh -> Ex, inv sent to P1 and P3, data sent to P2
P1 st x ;Ex -> Ex, inv sent to P2, data sent to P1
P2 ld x ;Ex -> Sh, data sent to P2
Record access in a small “meta-directory:”
x: {P1, 0, r}, {P2, 1, r}, {P3, 2, r}, {P2, 3, w}, {P1, 4, w}, {P2, 5, r}
All reads and writes occur in a memory; no messages sent or received, no directory modeled, no cache model in processor (?)
When it comes time for detailed simulation, we can reconstruct directory by scanning backwards: x is shared by P1 and P2.

Accesses stored in circular queue.  How many records needed for each address?
What happens when processor writes back data, current scheme introduces false hits.
Does this scheme always work?  Some proofs would be nice.

I got Simics to boot SMP Linux
But Bochs is open-source
X86 is key if this is to be long-term framework
Cilk benchmarks?
Create detailed directory model
Create meta directory
Create a way to switch back and forth maintaining program correctness
Measure the dramatic improvement!

Sounds daunting for December deadline, but if I can prove feasibility or fatal flaws, I’d be excited

Project Proposal: Parallelizing METIS
Zardosht Kasheff

What is METIS?
Graph Partitioning algorithm
Developed at University of Minnesota by George Karypis and Vipin Kumar
Information on METIS:

Stages of Algorithm: Coarsening
Task: Create sequentially smaller graphs that make good representation of original graph by collapsing connected nodes.
Minor concurrency issues.
Maintaining data locality.
Writing large amount of data to memory in a scalable fashion.

Stages of Algorithm: Initial partitioning.
Task: partition small graph
Issues: none. Runtime of this portion of algorithm very small.

Stages of Algorithm: Uncoarsening and Refinement
Uncoarsening and Refinement: project partition of coarsest graph to original graph and refine partition.
Major concurrency issues.
Remaining issues under research.

Parallel Sorting
Paul Youn
I propose to parallelize a sorting algorithm. Initially, looking at Quick Sort, but may investigate other sorting algorithms.
Sorting is a problem that can potentially be sped up significantly (mergesort).
As an alternative, considering other algorithms.

Similar to Lab 1 approach.
Speedy serial algorithm.
Basic parallel algorithm.
Runtime Analysis.
Empirical verification of runtime analysis.
Parallel speedups.

Not sure about the scope of the problem.
Anyone out there interested in this stuff?
Other appropriate algorithms? Max-flow?

Implement FIR filter in parallel computing using Cilk
Name: Pham Duc Minh
Matric: HT030502H
Email: g0300231@nus.edu.sg

Discrete Signal
the discrete input signal is x(n)
the output signal is y(n)
the impulse response h(n)

FIR filter
Discrete time LTI (Linearity and Time Invariance) systems can be classified into FIR and IIR.
An FIR filter has impulse response h(n) that extends only over a finite time interval, say 0≤ n ≤ M, and is identically zero beyond that:
   {h0, h1, h2 . . . , hM, 0, 0, 0 . . .}
M is referred to as the filter order.
The output y(n) in FIR is simplified to the finite-sum form:
or, explicitly

Methods to process
1. Block processing
a. Convolution

b. Direct Form

The length of the input signal x(n) is L

The length of output y(n) will be Ly = Lx+Lh-1

c. Matrix form

with the dimension of H is

"Overlap-Add Block Convolution Method"
Overlap-Add Block Convolution Method
above methods are not feasible in infinitive or extremely long applications
divide the long input into contiguous non-overlapping blocks of manageable length, say L samples
y0 =  h*x0
y1 =  h*x1
y2 =  h*x2
Thus the resulting block y0 starts at absolute time n = 0
block y1 starts at n = L, and so on.
The last M samples of each output block will overlap with
the first M outputs of the next block .

2. Sampling Processing
The direct form I/O convolutional equation
We define the internal states w1(n), w2(2), w3(n)….
w0(n) = x(n)
w1(n) = x(n-1) = w0(n-1)
w2(n) = x(n-2) = w1(n-1)
With this definition, we can y(n) in the form

"Goal of project"
Goal of project
Use Cilk to implement FIR filter in parallel
Compare with the processes of DSP kit (pipeline) and the process of FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) (also parallel).

"How to implement"
How to implement
Multithreaded programming
Cilk compiler

Other things
If I finish soon, I hope additional work suggestion from  staff.

Cache-Oblivious Algorithms

SMA5509: Theory of Parallel Systems
Sriram Saroop
Advait D. Karande

bzip2 compression
Lossless text compression scheme

Burrows-Wheeler Transform (1994)
A pre-processing step for data compression
Involves sorting of all rotations of the block of data to be compressed
Rationale: Compressed string transforms better
Worst case complexity of N2log(N), where N = size of block to be sorted
Can be improved to N(logN)2 (Sadakane ’98)

Why make it cache-oblivious?
Performance of BWT heavily dependent on cache behavior (Seward ’00)
Avoid slowdown for large files with high degree of repetitiveness
Especially useful in applications like bzip2 that are required to perform well on different memory hierarchies

Project Plan
Design and implementation of a cache oblivious algorithm for BWT
Performance comparisons with standard bzip2 for available benchmarks
Back-up: Optimizations for BWT including parallelization

New Cache-Oblivious Algorithms
Zhang Jiahui and Neel Kamal

Cache-Oblivious Lock Free Algorithms
Seth Gilbert

Cache-Oblivious Algorithms
Optimal memory access
Matrix multiply, Fast Fourier Transform
B-trees, Priority Queues
At least one thread can always make progress.

Packed Memory Structure
Traverse(k)  --  O(k/B)
Insert  --  O(log2n/B)
Delete  -- O(log2n/B)
Design a lock-free version of the cache-oblivious algorithm

Two algorithms
Based on packed memory structure
Based on alternative recursive construction and pointer-swinging