You are welcome to collaborate on problem sets, but your write-ups must be your own, and your problem sets must list your collaborators. Please hand in a physical copy of your solutions, including any physical foldings requested. Any loose pieces of paper should be labeled with your name, just in case they slide out.
• Problem Set 1 | — | Due: Friday, September 28, 2007 | — | [PDF] | [PostScript] |
• Problem Set 2 | — | Due: Friday, October 5, 2007 | — | [PDF] | [PostScript] |
• Problem Set 3 | — | Due: Friday, October 19, 2007 | — | [PDF] | [PostScript] |
Deadlines refer to the end of lecture that day. If there is no lecture on the day of the deadline, turn in your problem set into Nadia's office, 32-G694, sliding it under her door if no one is there.