SmartSweeper v1.3

  • added pattern symbols # and $ which both act likes the *, except they come with their own scheme variables like pound-mine-count, and they come with commands like mark-dollars
  • the system shows counts for how many times each rule was applied in the current board.§
  • updated the help button to show all the new symbols and scheme variables available in the rule language.

  • for windows
    SmartSweeper.tar for Linux/Mac

    SmartSweeper v1.2

  • made board button panel use a scroll bar when there are a lot of boards in the "boards" directory. This doesn't make a difference unless you download more boards.

  • for windows
    SmartSweeper.tar for Linux/Mac

    SmartSweeper v1.1

  • added pattern symbol + which matches any explored square, including known mines.
  • added scheme variables like a-mine-count, b-mine-count, etc... which store the number of known mines surrounding the given letter.
  • added a quick reference button (it's called "Help", and appears beneith the green run button)

  • for windows
    SmartSweeper.tar for Linux/Mac

    SmartSweeper v1.0 for windows
    SmartSweeper.tar for Linux/Mac

    Send questions to:

    Good luck!

    † Thanks to suggestions from In Han.
    ‡ Thanks to suggestions from John.
    § Thanks to suggestions from Kathy.