6.857: Computer and Network Security
Each group has been assigned a time slot. We expect you
to use about 10 minutes for your presentation. This leaves a couple minutes for
questions, and a few extra minutes for the next group to setup. If
you are the first group to present, make sure you arrive on time.
Please send us your presentation titles so that we may post them here.
Wednesday (5/07)
11:10 |
Tural Badirkhanli, Amrik Kochar, Albert Ni, Kuat Yessenov
11:25 |
Jeff Arnold, Waseem Daher, Jeff Walden
11:40 |
Joyce Chen, Alex Schwendner, Chris Varenhorst
11:55 |
Jorge de la Garza, Rob Falconi, Jeremy Flores, Kevin Kelley
Monday (5/12)
11:10 |
Sergio Haro, Bobby Lo, Karl Rieb, Jeff Yuan
11:25 |
Michael Borohovski, Humberto Evans, Angel Irizarry, Ben Sedat
11:40 |
Elizabeth Reid, Chris Wilkens, Christina Wright
11:55 |
Griffin Chronis, Telmo Correa, Andrea Hawksley, Akua Nti
12:10 |
Americo Caves, Ekaterina Kuznetsova, Dimitrios Poulopoulos
Wednesday (5/14)
11:10 |
Lance Collins, Arkajit Dey, Han Xu
11:25 |
Mahmood Ali, Angelique Moscicki, Mark Vayngrib
11:40 |
Irene Fan, Issao Fujiwara, Jayant Krishnamurthy, Chris Yang
11:55 |
Zack Anderson, Alessandro Chiesa, Sam McVeety, RJ Ryan