- We have been doing geometry---eg linear programming
- But in computational geometry, key difference in focus: low dimension $d$
- Lots of algorithms that are great for $d$ small, but exponential in $d$
Range Trees for Orthogonal Range Queries
One key idea in CG: reducing dimension
- Do some work that reduces problem to smaller dimension
- Since few dimensions, work doesn't add up much.
What points are in this box?
- goal: $O(n)$ space
- query time $O(\log n)$ plus number of points
- (can't beat $\log n$ even for 1d)
- 1d solution: binary tree.
- Find leftmost in range
- Walk tree till rightmost
Generalize: Solve in each coordinate “separately”
- Idea 1: solve each coord, intersecting
- Too expensive: maybe large solution in each coord, none in intersection
- Idea 2:
- we know $x$ query will be an interval,
- so build a $y$-range structure on each distinct subrange of points by $x$
- Use binary search to locate right $x$ interval
- Then solve 1d range search on $y$
- Problem: $n^2$ distinct intervals
- So $n^3$ space and time to build
Refining idea 2:
- Build binary search tree on $x$ coords
- Each internal node represents a tree subinterval containing some points
- Our query's $x$ interval can be broken into $O(\log n)$ tree subintervals (think of the subtree between search paths of two endpoints of that $x$ interval)
- We want to reduce dimension: on each subinterval, range search $y$ coords only among nodes in that $x$ interval
- Solution: each internal node has a $y$-coord search tree on points in its subtree
- Size: $O(n\log n)$, since each point in $O(\log n)$ internal nodes
- Query time: find $O(\log n)$ nodes, range search in each $y$-tree, so $O(\log^2 n)$ (plus output size)
- more generally, $O(\log^d n)$
- fractional cascading improves to $O(\log n)$
Dynamic maintenance:
- Want to insert/delete points
- Problem to maintain tree balance
- When insert $x$ coord, may want to re-balance
- Rotations are obvious choice, but have to rebuild auxiliary structures
- Linear cost to rotate a tree.
- Remember treaps?
- We showed expect 1 rotation
- Can show expected size of rotated tree is small
- Then insert $y$ coord in $O(\log n)$ auxiliary structures
- So, $O(\log^2 n)$ update cost
Sweep Algorithms
Another key idea:
- dimension is low
- so worth expending lots of energy to reduce dimension
- plane sweep is a general-purpose dimension reduction
- Run a plane/line across space
- Study only what happens on the frontier
- Need to keep track of “events” that occur as sweep line across
- simplest case, events occur when line hits a feature
Convex Hull by Sweep Line
- define
- good for: width, diameter, filtering
- assume no 3 points on straight line.
- output:
- points and edges on hull
- in counterclockwise order
- can leave out edges by hacking implementation
- $\Omega(n\log n)$ lower bound via sorting
Build upper hull:
- Sort points by $x$ coord
- Sweep line from left to right
- maintain upper hull “so far”
- as encounter next point, check if hull turns right or left to it
- if right, fine
- if left, hull is concave. Fix by deleting some previous points on hull.
- just work backwards till no left turn.
- Each point deleted only once, so $O(n)$
- but $O(n\log n)$ since must sort by $x$ coord.
Output sensitive algorithm can achieve $O(n\log k)$ (Chan 1996).
Halfspace intersection
LP in 2 dimensions
- feasibility problem is deciding whether halfspace intersection nonempty
- and optimization is easy, given intersection
- just visit all vertices in linear time
- Assume origin inside intersection
- map $(a,b) \rightarrow L_{ab} = \{(x,y) \mid ax+by+1=0\}$.
- $(a,b) \in L_{qr}$ implies $qa+rb+1=0$ implies $(q,r) \in L_{ab}$
- so $(q,r) = \bigcap_{(a,b) \in L_{qr}} L_{ab}$
- line through two points becomes point at intersection of 2 lines
- point at distance $d$ antipodal line at distance $1/d$.
- intersection of halfspace become convex hull.
So, $O(n\log n)$ time.
What if no “origin in intersection”?
- ignore verticals
- divide into plances that “look up” and “look down”
- i.e. each contains either $(0,\infty)$ or $(0,-\infty)$
- easy to find feasible “origin” in each half
- then build polygon for each half
- the interset the two polygons
Segment intersections
We saw this one using persistent data structures for a query structure.
- Maintain balanced search tree of segments ordered by current height.
- Heap of upcoming “events” (line intersections/crossings)
- pull next event from heap, output, swap lines in balanced tree
- check swapped lines against neighbors for new intersection events
- lemma: next event always occurs between neighbors, so is in heap
- note: next event is always in future (never have to backtrack).
- so sweep approach valid
- and in fact, heap is monotone!
Voronoi Diagram
Goal: find nearest Athena terminal to query point.
- point set $p$
- $V(p_i)$ is space closer to $p_i$ than anything else
- for two points, $V(P)$ is bisecting line
- For 3 points, creates a new “voronoi” point
- And for many points, $V(p_i)$ is intersection of halfplanes, so a convex polyhedron
- And nonempty of course.
- but might be infinite
- Given VD, can find nearest neighbor via planar point location:
- $O(\log n)$ using persistent trees
Space complexity:
- VD is a planar graph: no two voronoi edges cross (if count voronoi points)
- add one point at infinity to make it a proper graph with ends
- Euler's formula: $n_v-n_e+n_f=2$
- By induction.
- Removing one edge kills one face, cancels
- Removing shortcutting degree two vertex removes on vertex and one edge, cancels
- eventually you have a triangle: 3 vertices, 3 edges, 2 faces (inside and out).
- ($n_v$ is voronoi points, not original ones)
- But $n_f = n$
- Also, every voronoi point has degree at least 3 while every edge has two endpoints.
- Thus, $2n_e \ge 3(n_v+1)$
- rewrite $2(n+n_v-2) \ge 3(n_v+1)$
- So $n-2 \ge (n_v+3)/2$, i.e., $n_v \le 2n-7$
- Gives $n_e \le 3n-6$
Summary: $V(P)$ has linear space and $O(\log n)$ query time.
VD is dual of projection of lower CH of lifting of points to parabola in 3D.
And 3D CH can be done in $O(n\log n)$
Can build each voronoi cell in $O(n\log n)$, so $O(n^2\log n)$.
Sweep Line
Basic idea:
- Build portion of Voronoi behind sweep line.
- problem: not fully determined! may be about to hit a new site.
- What is determined? Stuff closer to a point than to line
- boundary is a parabola
- boundary of known space is pieces of parabolas: “beach line”
- as sweep line descends, parabolas descend too.
- We need to maintain beach line as “events” change it
Descent of one parabola:
- sweep line (horizontal) $y$ coord is $t$
- Equation $(x-x_f)^2+(y-y_f)^2 = (y-t)^2$.
- Fix $x$, find $dy/dt$
- $2(y-y_f)dy/dt = 2(y-t)(dy/dt-1)$
- So $dy/dt=(y-t)/(y_f-t)$
- Thus, the higher $y_f$ (farther from sweep line) the slower parabola descends.
Site event:
- Sweep line hits site
- creates new degenerate parabola (vertical line)
- widens to normal parabola
- adds arc piece to beach line.
Claim: no other create events.
- case 1: one parabola passing through one other
- At crossover, two parabolas are tangent.
- then “inner” parabola has higher focus then outer
- so descends slower
- so outer one stays ahead, no crossover.
- this case cannot happen
- case 2: new parabola descends through intersection point of two
previous parabolas.
- At crossover, all 3 parabolas intersect
- thus, all 3 foci and sweep line on boundary of circle with intersection at center.
- called circle event
- “appearing” parabola has highest focus
- so it is slower: won't cross over
- In fact, this is how parabola's disappear from beach line
- outer parabolas catch up with, cross inner parabola.
- maintain beach line as pieces of parabolas
- Note one parabola may appear several times
- only site events add to beach line
- only circle events remove from beach line.
- $n$ site events
- so only $n$ circle events
- as insert/remove events, only need to check for events in newly adjacent parabolas
- so $O(n\log n)$ time
Randomized Incremental Constructions
- linearity of expectation. hat check problem
- Rendering an image
- render a collection of polygons (lines)
- painters algorithm: draw from back to front; let front overwrite
- need to figure out order with respect to user
- define BSP.
- BSP is a data structure that makes order determination easy
- Build in pre-process step, then render fast.
- Choose any hyperplane (root of tree), split lines onto correct side of hyperplane, recurse
- If user is on side 1 of hyperplane, then nothing on side 2 blocks side 1, so paint it first. Recurse.
- time=BSP size
- sometimes must split to build BSP
- how limit splits?
- auto-partitions
- random auto
- analysis
- $\indx(u,v)=k$ if $k$ lines block $v$ from $u$
- $u \dashv v$ if $v$ cut by $u$ auto
- probability $1/(1+\indx(u,v))$.
- tree size is (by linearity of $E$) $$ \begin{eqnarray*} n+\sum 1/\indx(u,v) &\le & \sum_u 2H_n \end{eqnarray*} $$
- result: exists size $O(n\log n)$ auto
- gives randomized construction
- equally important, gives probabilistic existence proof of a small BSP
- so might hope to find deterministically.
Backwards Analysis---Convex Hulls
algorithm (RIC):
- random order $p_i$
- insert one at a time (to get $S_i$)
- update $\conv(S_{i-1})\rightarrow \conv(S_i)$
- new point stretches convex hull
- remove new non-hull points
- revise hull structure
- Data structure:
- point $p_0$ inside hull (how find?)
- for each $p$, edge of $\conv(S_i)$ hit by $\vec{p_0p}$
- say $p$ cuts this edge
- To update $p_i$ in $\conv(S_{i-1})$:
- if $p_i$ inside, discard
- delete new non hull vertices and edges
- $2$ vertices $v_1,v_2$ of $\conv(S_{i-1})$ become $p_i$-neighbors
- other vertices unchanged.
- To implement:
- detect changes by moving out from edge cut by $\vec{p_0 p}$.
- for each hull edge deleted, must update cut-pointers to $\vec{p_iv_1}$ or $\vec{p_iv_2}$
Runtime analysis
- deletion cost of edges:
- charge to creation cost
- 2 edges created per step
- total work $O(n)$
- pointer update cost
- proportional to number of pointers crossing a deleted cut edge
- BACKWARDS analysis
- run backwards
- delete random point of $S_i$ ( not $\conv(S_i)$) to get $S_{i-1}$
- same number of pointers updated
- expected number $O(n/i)$
- what $\Pr[\mbox{update } p]$?
- $\Pr[\mbox{delete cut edge of } p]$
- $\Pr[\mbox{delete endpoint edge of } p]$
- $2/i$
- deduce $O(n\log n)$ runtime
- 3d convex hull using same idea, time $O(n\log n)$,
Linear Programming
- define
- assumptions:
- nonempty, bounded polyhedron
- minimizing $x_1$
- unique minimum, at a vertex
- exactly $d$ constraints per vertex
- definitions:
- hyperplanes $H$
- basis $B(H)$
- optimum $O(H)$
- Simplex
- exhaustive polytope search:
- walks on vertices
- runs in $O(n^{d/2})$ time in theory
- often great in practice
- polytime algorithms exist, but bit-dependent!
- OPEN: strongly polynomial LP
- goal today: polynomial algorithms for small $d$
Randomized incremental algorithm \[ T(n) \le T(n-1,d)+\frac{d}{n}(O(dn)+T(n-1,d-1)) = O(d!n) \]
Combine with other clever ideas: \[ O(d^2 n) + 2^{O(\sqrt{d \log d})} \]
Trapezoidal decomposition:
- manipulate/analayze a collection of $n$ segments
- assume no degeneracy: endpoints distinct
- (simulate touch by slight crossover)
- e.g. detect segment intersections
- e.g., point location data structure
- Basic idea:
- Draw verticals at all points and intersects
- Divides space into slabs
- binary search on $x$ coordinate for slab
- binary search on $y$ coordinate inside slab (feasible since lines noncrossing)
- problem: $\Theta(n^2)$ space
- draw altitudes from each endpoints and intersection till hit a segment.
- trapezoid graph is planar (no crossing edges)
- each trapezoid is a face
- show a face.
- one face may have many vertices (from altitudes that hit the outside of the face)
- but max vertex degree is 6 (assuming nondegeneracy)
- so total space $O(n+k)$ for $k$ intersections.
- number of faces also $O(n+k)$ (at least one edge/face, at most 2 face/edge)
- (or use Euler's theorem: $n_v-n_e+n_f \ge 2$)
- standard clockwise pointer representation lets you walk around a face
Randomized incremental construction:
- to insert segment, start at left endpoint
- draw altitudes from left end (splits a trapezoid)
- traverse segment to right endpoint, adding altitudes whenever intersect
- traverse again, erasing (half of) altitudes cut by segment
- clockwise ordering of neighbors allows traversal of a face in time proportional to number of vertices
- for each face, keep a (bidirectional) pointer to all not-yet-inserted left-endpoints in face
- to insert line, start at face containing left endpoint
- traverse face to see where leave it
- create intersection,
- update face (new altitude splits in half)
- update left-end pointers
- segment cuts some altititudes: destroy half
- removing altitude merges faces
- update left-end pointers
- (note nonmonotonic growth of data structure)
- Overall, update left-end-pointers in faces neighboring new line
- time to insert $s$ is
\sum_{f \in F(s)} (n(f)+\ell(f))
- $F(s)$ is faces $s$ bounds after insertion
- $n(f)$ is number of vertices on face $f$ boundary
- $\ell(f)$ is number of left-ends inside $f$.
- So if $S_i$ is first $i$ segments inserted, expected work of insertion $i$ is \[ \frac1i \sum_{s \in S_i}\sum_{f \in F(s)} (n(f)+\ell(f)) \]
- Note each $f$ appears at most 4 times in sum since at most 4 lines define each trapezoid.
- so $O(\frac1i \sum_f (n(f)+\ell(f)))$.
- Bound endpoint contribution:
- note $\sum_f \ell(f) = n-i$
- so contributes $n/i$
- so total $O(n\log n)$ (tight to sorting lower bound)
- Bound intersection contribution
- $\sum n(f)$ is just number of vertices in planar graph
- So $O(k_i+i)$ if $k_i$ intersections between segments so far
- so cost is $E[k_i]$
- intersection present if both segments in first $i$ insertions
- so expected cost is $O((i^2/n^2)k)$
- so cost contribution $(i/n^2)k$
- sum over $i$, get $O(k)$
- note: adding to RIC, assumption that first $i$ items are random.
- Total: $O(n\log n+k)$
Search structure
Starting idea:
- extend all vertical lines infinitely
- divides space into slabs
- binary search to find place in slab
- binary search in slab feasible since lines in slab have total order
- $O(\log n)$ search time
Goal: apply binary search in slabs, without $n^2$ space
- Idea: trapezoidal decom is “important” part of vertical lines
- problem: slab search no longer well defined
- but we show ok
The structure:
- A kind of search tree
- “$x$ nodes” test against an altitude
- “$y$ nodes” test against a segment
- leaves are trapezoids
- each node has two children
- But may have many parents
Inserting an edge contained in a trapezoid
- update trapezoids
- build a 4-node subtree to replace leaf
Inserting an edge that crosses trapezoids
- sequence of traps $\Delta_i$
- Say $\Delta_0$ has left endpoint, replace leaf with $x$-node for left endpoint and $y$-node for new segment
- Same for last $\Delta$
- middle $\Delta$:
- each got a piece cut off
- cut off piece got merged to adjacent trapezoid
- Replace each leaf with a $y$ node for new segment
- two children point to appropriate traps
- merged trap will have several parents---one from each premerge trap.
Search time analysis
- depth increases by one for new trapezoids
- RIC argument shows depth $O(\log n)$
- Fix search point $q$, build data structure
- Length of search path increased on insertion only if trapezoid containing $q$ changes
- Odds of top or bottom edge vanishing (backwards analysis) are $1/i$
- Left side vanishes iff unique segment defines that side and it vanishes
- So prob. $1/i$
- Total $O(1/i)$ for $i^{th}$ insert, so $O(\log n)$ overall.