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6.851: Advanced Data Structures (Spring'12)
Prof. Erik Demaine TAs: Tom Morgan, Justin Zhang
[Problem Session]
Lectures are TR 11–12:30 in
Lectures (including video)
L01 |
Feb. 7 |
Temporal: class overview, pointer machine, partial persistence,
full persistence, confluent persistence, functional
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Persistent data structures
The first lecture is about “persistence”
(which corresponds to the “branching universe” model of time travel).
On the one hand, we'd like to remember all past versions of our
data structure (“partial persistence”). On the other hand, we'd like
to be able to modify past versions of our data structure, forking
off a new version (“full persistence”). Surprisingly, both of these goals
are achievable with only a constant-factor overhead, in a fairly
general model called the “bounded-degree pointer machine”. A bigger challenge
is the ability to merge different versions into one version, which can
e.g. allow you to double your data structure's size in one operation
(“confluent persistence”). It's still unsolved whether this is
possible with small overhead, but I'll describe what's known.
[Details and references]
This lecture overviews the nine subjects of the course: integer and string data structures, persistent and dynamic data structures, data structures that takes memory-hierarchy into account and data structures that uses a minimal amount of space, the problem of whether there exists an optimal binary search tree and the studying of hashing, and geometric data structures.
The first lecture covers persistent data structures. First we introduce the pointer machine model, and four levels of persistence: partial, full, confluent, and functional.
Then we show that any pointer-machine data structure with no more than O(1) pointers to any nodes (in any version) can be made partially persistent with O(1) amortized multiplicative overhead & O(1) space per change [Driscoll, Sarnak, Sleator, Tarjan - JCSS 1989] .
Then we show that this applies to full persistence as well [Driscoll, Sarnak, Sleator, Tarjan - JCSS 1989] with the help of an order file maintenance data structure Dietz & Sleator - STOC, 1987]
We briefly mention a de-amortization technique for partial persistence [Brodal - NJC 1996] with its full-persistence version remaining open.
For conflict persistence, in the general transformation scenario, given a version v in the version DAG, we define e(v) = 1+ log(#paths from root to v), which measures the version DAG's deviation from a tree. Confluent persistence with O(e(v)) per operation is possible [Fiat & Kaplan - J.Alg 2003] . A data structure with O(lg n) or lower cost per op remains open. For disjoin transformation, O(lg n) overhead is possible [Callette, Iacono, Langerman - SODA 2012] .
For functional persistence, we show a data structure for balanced BST with O(lg n) per op [Okasaki-book 2003] , a data structure for link-cut tree with the same bound [Demaine, Langerman, Price] , one for deques with concatenation in O(1) per op [Kaplan,Okasaki, Tarjan - SICOMP 2000] and update and search in O(lg n) per op [Brodal, Makris, Tsichlas, - ESA 2006] , and one for tries with local navigation and subtree copy/delete and O(1) fingers maintained to "present" [Demaine, Langerman, Price] .
What's beyond the scope of this lecture includes a log factor separation for functional persistence from pointer machine [Pippinger - TPLS 1997], the open problem of proving bigger separation for both functional and confluent persistence, general transformations for functional and confluent persistence, lists with split and concatenate, and arrays with copy and paste.
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L02 |
Feb. 9 |
Temporal: partial retroactivity, full retroactivity, nonoblivious retroactivity
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Retroactive data structures
Today's lecture is our second and final lecture on time travel,
or more precisely, temporal data structures. Here we will study
retroactive data structures, which mimic the "plastic timeline"
model of time travel. For example, in Back to the Future, Marty goes
back in time, makes changes, and returns to the present that resulted
from those changes and all the intervening years. In a partially
retroactive data structures, the user can go back in time, perform an additional operation, return to the present that results, and
query the resulting data structure. In this way, we maintain a single
(changing) timeline, consisting of the sequence of update operations.
Retroactive data structures can add, or remove, an update at any time,
not just the end (present). A fully retroactive data structure can
furthermore query the data structure at any time in the past. Finally,
a third type of retroactivity, called "nonobvious", puts queries on the timeline as well, and reports the first query whose answer changed.
As you might expect, retroactivity is hard to obtain in general, but
good bounds are known for several data structures of interest.
[Details and references]
This lecture introduces the retroactive data structure and a new computation model, the cell probe model. Retroactive data structure maintains a linear timeline and allows updates to be performed at any time
[Demaine, Iacono, Langerman — 2003 / T. Alg 2007] .
Partial retroactivity only permit queries at the present time, while full retroactivity allows queries at any time. A third kind of retroactivity, non-oblivious retroactivity, lets the user put a series of queries on the time line, and whenever an update is performed, the data structure reports the first query whose value has changed. For partial and full retroactivity, there are two easy cases. The first one concerns commutative and invertible updates. The second, being slightly more complex, concerns decomposable search problem
[Bentley & Saxe — J. Alg 1980], which is solved using a segment tree.
The harder situation with general transformation [Demaine, Iacono, Langerman — 2003 / T. Alg 2007]
can be solved naively using rollback. Concerning general transformation's lower bound, it has been proven that Ω(r) overhead can be necessary
[Frandsen, Frandsen, Mitlersen — I&C 2001].
The same paper also proves
a Ω((r/lg r)1/2) lower bound
for cell-probe model. Cell probe model is "a model of computation
where the cost of a computation is measured by the total number of
memory accesses to a random access memory with log n bits cell size. All other computations are not counted and are considered to be free." [NIST]
A better lower bound for cell probe model, such as
Ω(r/poly lg r), is open.
With the help of a geometric representation, we show a
partially retroactive priority queue with
O(lg n) insert and delete-min
[Demaine, Iacono, Langerman — 2003 / T. Alg 2007] . Other data
structures mentioned include queue, deque, union-find, a fully
retroactive priority queue with O(m1/2 lg m) per op
and the successor
problem [Giora
& Kaplan — T. Alg 2009]. A better fully persistent priority
queue is open. The best successor problem solution requires fractional cascading from lecture 3 and the van Emde Boas data structure from lecture 11.
For non-oblivious
retroactivity [Acar,
Blelloch, Tangwongsan — CMU TR 2007], a priority queue is shown with the help of a geometric representaiton.
L03 |
Feb. 23 |
Geometric: point location via persistence, dynamic via retroactive; orthogonal range queries, range trees, layered range trees, dynamizing augmentation via weight balance, fractional cascading
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In this lecture, the first of two about geometric data structures,
we'll talk about two major problems—point location and range
searching—and tie them to several major data structural
techniques: persistence, retroactivity, dynamization of
augmentation through weight balance, and fractional
In (planar) point location, we need to preprocess a planar map to
support queries of the form "which face contains this point?" This
problem is useful for figuring out where you clicked in a GUI, or for
figuring out what city/country/etc. contain your GPS coordinates. The
static (preprocessing) version of this problem can be solved optimally
(in logarithmic time per query) by applying persistence to a classic
sweep-line technique. The dynamic version, where the map can be
modified, can be solved for orthogonal maps in optimal logarithmic
time per operation using retroactive successor from Lecture 2.
In (orthogonal) range searching, we need to preprocess n points in d
dimensions to support queries of the form "which points are in this
box?" Simple range trees solve this problem in
O(logd n) query time
and O(n logd−1 n) space.
A cool crosslinking technique (called layered range trees) reduce the query
time to O(logd−1 n). A
general technique for dynamizing augmented search trees, called
weight-balanced trees, allows us to additionally support insertion and
deletion of points in O(logd n)
time per update. The crosslinking
technique is a part of a more general technique called fractional
cascading, which can further improve query time by another logarithmic
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L04 |
Feb. 28 |
Geometric: O(log n) 3D orthogonal range searching
via fractional cascading; kinetic data structures
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In this lecture, we continue (and finish) the theme of geometric
data structures.
First, we'll finish our coverage of fractional cascading from Lecture 3 by
illustrating a really cool application: 3D orthogonal range searching in
O(log n) time. This gives us the second log factor
improvement mentioned in Lecture 3, giving
O(logd−2 n) for d dimensions.
Second, we'll cover a style of data structures for moving data,
e.g., where 2D points move at known velocity and acceleration.
Although the main study here is in 2D (and 3D), we'll focus on two 1D
problems that are well-understood and fit in a lecture: kinetic
predecessor and kinetic priority queues.
L05 |
Mar. 1 |
Dynamic optimality: binary search trees, analytic bounds, splay trees, geometric view, greedy algorithm
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| Have
you ever wondered how to represent a binary search tree on n nodes as
a set of n points in 2D? Today's lecture will reveal a surprising new
(2009) such connection, which provides an approach to tackling the
venerable dynamic optimality conjecture.
The dynamic optimality conjecture is one of the oldest and biggest open
problems in data structures, asking a fundamental question: is there one best
binary search tree? Traditional wisdom is that “splay trees” are
such a tree (up to constant factors), but we'll see a new “greedy”
tree data structure that we think is more obviously best—though we still
can't prove it.
Dynamic optimality remains an active and exciting area of research,
and this lecture and the next focus on the current state-of-the-art.
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L06 |
Mar. 6 |
Dynamic optimality: independent rectangle, Wilber, and Signed Greedy lower bounds; key-independent optimality; O(lg lg n)-competitive Tango trees
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In this lecture, we'll see the best binary search tree we know, in the sense
of achieving the best known competitive ratio of
O(lg lg n) compared to the offline optimal. To
analyze these “Tango trees”, we compare against a lower bound.
Specifically, we describe a Signed Greedy algorithm that, for a given access
sequence, computes a number of node touches that every BST in the world must
perform when given that access sequence. Indeed, the Signed Greedy algorithm
adds points row by row just like the Greedy algorithm we saw last lecture.
The only catch is that Signed Greedy doesn't actually satisfy the point set,
so it doesn't correspond to a BST… yet it is tantalizingly close to
Greedy, which we saw last lecture corresponds to an online BST, suggesting
that the two bounds are within a constant factor of each other (making Greedy
dynamically optimal). While this gap hasn't been closed yet, we can still use
the lower bound to analyze Tango trees, and get the exponential improvement
over the trivial O(lg n) competitive ratio held by any
balanced binary search tree.
L07 |
Mar. 8 |
Memory hierarchy: models, cache-oblivious B-trees
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| The
topic of the next three lectures is cache-efficient data structures. A
classic result here is that B-trees are good at exploiting that data
is transferred in blocks between cache and main memory, and between
main memory and disk, and so on. B-trees achieve
O(logB N)
insert/delete/predecessor/ successor for N items and memory block
transfers of size B. What's more recent and surprising is that you
can achieve the same performance even if you don't know what B is, or
in other words, simultaneously for all architectures with all values
of B. This is a result in the “cache-oblivious” model,
and we'll see how to do it over the next two lectures. Cache-oblivious data
structures show some exciting practical promise, too, as they form the
foundation of a database startup, Tokutek.
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L08 |
Mar. 13 |
Memory hierarchy: ordered-file maintenance, list labeling, order queries, cache-oblivious priority queues
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This lecture continues our theme of cache-oblivious data structures.
First we'll finally cover the black box we used last lecture to obtain
cache-oblivious B-trees: maintain an ordered file with O(1)-size gaps
in O(lg2 N) moves per insert/delete in the
middle of the file. As an extra bonus, we'll see how to maintain a linked
list subject to order queries in O(1) time per insert/delete, which is
a black box we used back in Lecture 1 to linearize the version tree when
implementing full persistence.
Second we'll cover cache-oblivious priority queues, supporting insert and
delete-min in what's usually subconstant time per operation (!),
O((1/B) logM/B (N/B)).
This will be the first time we see how to adapt to the cache size M,
not just the block size B, in a cache-oblivious data structure.
L09 |
Mar. 15 |
Memory hierarchy: distribution sweeping via lazy funnelsort; cache-oblivious orthogonal 2D range searching: batched and online
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Our third and final lecture on memory hierarchies is a fun crossover
between cache-oblivious data structures and geometric data structures.
We'll start with an optimal cache-oblivious sorting algorithm
(something we left as a black box in Lecture 8), called Lazy Funnelsort,
though we'll skip the analysis, as it's similar to the priority queue.
Then we'll see how to combine that algorithm with the sweepline technique
from computational geometry to solve batched geometric problems.
Specifically, we'll see how to solve batched orthogonal 2D range searching
in the sorting bound using this “distribution sweeping” technique.
Finally, we'll cover a series of algorithms for regular online orthogonal
2D range searching, including an impressive linear-space cache-oblivious
data structure for 2-sided (quarterplane) range queries, as well as
the trick for shaving off a log log factor of space from a regular 4-sided
range search data structure.
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L10 |
Mar. 20 |
Dictionaries: universal, k-wise independent,
simple tabulation hashing; chaining, dynamic perfect hashing,
linear probing, cuckoo hashing
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Today's lecture gives a fairly thorough overview of different approaches to hashing. First, we talk about different hash functions
and their properties, from basic universality to k-wise independence,
to a simple but effective hash function called simple tabulation.
Then we talk about different approaches to using these hash functions
in a data structure: basic chaining, (dynamic) perfect hashing, classic
but tricky-to-analyze linear probing, and the more recent cuckoo hashing.
L11 |
Mar. 22 |
Integer: models, predecessor problem, van Emde Boas, x-fast and y-fast trees, indirection
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This lecture marks our full entry into integer data structures
(though hashing was also one), as well as our first of three lectures
on the predecessor problem: supporting insert, delete, and
predecessor/successor on a set of n w-bit integers. I'll give an
overview of what's known about this problem, as well as the
models of computation, and then proceed to the first main result:
data structures achieving O(lg w) time per operation.
When w is polylogarithmic in n (a common case),
this bound is O(lg lg n),
an exponential improvement over binary search trees. The first such
data structure is called (and by) van Emde Boas, and it uses
Θ(2w) space.
A little addition of hashing reduces the space to optimal Θ(n).
We'll also see simpler ways to achieve the same bounds, using a
simple tree view, indirection, and structures called x-fast and y-fast
trees by Willard (who was actually the first to get Θ(n) space).
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L12 |
Apr. 3 |
Integer: fusion trees: sketching, parallel comparison, most significant set bit
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This lecture describes a tour-de-force in integer data
called fusion trees (so named because they were published a year after
the 1989 cold-fusion "scandal", and were perhaps just as
more correct). Fusion trees solve predecessor and successor among n
w-bit integers in O(logw n) time per operation on the word RAM.
The basic idea
is to build a B-tree with branching factor wε. The tricky part
is to build a wε-size node supporting constant-time
We'll see three major techniques for doing so. First, sketching
the w1+ε bits in a node down to w “essential” bits, by
each word down to w1−ε “essential” bits. The impressive part
is sketching a word in constant time using a single multiplication.
Second, parallel comparison lets us compare all of these sketches with
a single query in constant time. Third, we'll see how to find the
significant set bit of a w-bit word in constant time on a word RAM,
by using most of the fusion techniques again; this problem has tons of
applications beyond fusion trees as well. (As a result, most
set bit is a built-in instruction on most architectures; see e.g.
L13 |
Apr. 5 |
Integer: predecessor lower bound via round elimination
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This lecture is our first (of two) about integer data structure lower bounds.
In particular, we'll prove that the min of van Emde Boas and
fusion trees is an optimal (static) predecessor data structure up to a
log log factor, assuming polynomial space. The exact trade-off (up to
constant factors) is known, but messier; we'll see the bound but not
prove it. In particular, it is known that the log log factor improvements
are actually impossible to achieve with roughly linear space, making the min
of van Emde Boas and fusion trees actually optimal.
These lower bounds hold in the powerful cell-probe model of computation,
where we just count the number of words read by the query algorithm.
The proof uses a beautiful technique called round elimination, in a
communication-complexity view of data structures, and is actually
quite clean and simple given an appropriate lemma.
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L14 |
Apr. 10 |
Integer: sorting in linear time for w = Ω(lg2+ε n), priority queues
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This lecture is about the state-of-the-art in sorting and priority
queues on a word RAM. An equivalence by Thorup shows that any sorting
algorithm can be transformed into a priority queue with operations taking
1/nth the time to sort. So these are really one and the same problem.
The best results we know for sorting in linear time (and thus for
constant-time priority queues) is when w = O(lg n)
and when w = Ω(lg2+ε n).
The first result is just radix sort.
The second result is the main topic of the lecture: a fancy word-RAM
algorithm called signature sorting. It uses a combination of hashing,
merge sort, and parallel sorting networks.
The range of w in between lg and lg2+ε remains unsolved.
The best algorithm so far runs in O(n √lg lg n) expected time.
L15 |
Apr. 12 |
Static trees: least common ancestor, range minimum queries, level ancestor
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It's amazing what you can do in constant time using only linear space.
This lecture is about such data structures for jumping around (static)
rooted trees. Given two nodes, we'll see how to find their
least common ancestor in constant time. Given a node and a number k,
we'll see how to find the kth ancestor of the node in constant time.
Both data structures use a nice collection of ideas, including a
powerful trick we haven't used before: lookup tables for small inputs.
Along the way, we'll solve another seemingly unrelated problem:
preprocess an array of numbers to support queries of the form:
what's the smallest number in a given interval of the array?
Again, we'll show that constant-time queries are possible
using only linear space.
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L16 |
Apr. 19 |
Strings: suffix tree, suffix array, linear-time construction for large alphabets, suffix tray, document retrieval
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This lecture is about efficient data structures for searching in
static strings. Think of the strings we're searching in as (large) files,
or entire disks. First we'll see how to store a bunch of strings in linear
space subject to searching for a string of length P in O(P)
time, and answering predecessor queries for a string of length P in
O(P + lg Σ) time, where Σ is the size of
the alphabet. Then we'll see how to store one string (or more) in linear space
subject to determining whether it has a given substring of length P
in O(P) time, counting the number of such
substring occurrences in O(P) time, and listing k
occurrences in O(P + k) time.
Finally, we'll see how to build this data structure in linear time.
We'll make use of several tools developed in previous lectures:
weight-balanced binary search trees (similar to L3), leaf trimming (L15),
Cartesian trees (similar to L15), range minimum queries (L15),
least common ancestor (L15), and level ancestor (L15).
L17 |
Apr. 24 |
Succinct: rank, select, tries
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This lecture is the first of two about succinct
data structures—data structures using very close to the minimum
amount of space (“just the data”). In particular, we'll see
how to store an n-node binary trie in 2n + o(n) bits (which is
optimal up to the little-oh term) and still be able to navigate to
a node's left child / right child / parent in constant time per
operation, as well as be able to compute the size of the subtree
rooted at a node in constant time. Along the way, we'll see how
to store an n-bit string in n + o(n) bits (which is again optimal
up to little-oh) and be able to compute the number of 1 bits left of
a given bit, and find the ith 1 bit, in constant time per operation.
These data structures form the basis of many succinct data structures.
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L18 |
Apr. 26 |
Succinct: compact suffix arrays and trees
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This lecture continues our theme of succinct data structures.
Building on our expertise with succinct tries, we'll continue on to
the practical problem of indexing text with suffix arrays/trees,
where several compact and some succinct results are known, with
reasonably small (though
suboptimal) slowdowns in query time. We'll cover a simple version
(not the best) of the historically first such result, which is a compact
suffix array that incurs a logε overhead in queries.
Then we'll see how to turn any suffix array into a suffix tree
with very little (succinct) additional space overhead. We'll get to
our friends (rank, select, balanced parentheses) from last lecture.
L19 |
May 1 |
Dynamic graphs: link-cut trees, heavy-light decomposition
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This lecture is about a cool data structure for maintaining rooted trees
(potentially very unbalanced) in O(log n) time per operation.
The operations include linking two trees together by adding an edge,
and cutting an edge to split a tree into two trees, so the data
structure is called link-cut trees. This result is our first solving
a dynamic graph problem (where in general we can insert and delete edges);
next lecture will see other solutions for trees and generalization from trees
to undirected graphs. Link-cut trees have specific advantages in that they
can represent information over root-to-node paths; for example, they can
easily compute the min/max/sum of values stored in nodes or edges
along any root-to-node paths. Most importantly, link-cut trees introduce
two powerful tree decompositions: preferred-path decomposition (which we
already used in Tango trees) and heavy-light decomposition.
As we will cover them, link-cut trees also demonstrate how a surprisingly
“care-free” use of splay trees is actually still efficient.
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L20 |
May 3 |
Dynamic graphs: Euler tour trees, decremental connectivity in trees in O(1), fully dynamic connectivity in O(lg2 n), survey
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This lecture continues our theme of dynamic graphs. Beyond surveying
results for several such problems, we'll focus on dynamic connectivity,
where you can insert and/or delete edges, and the query is to
determine whether two vertices are in the same connected component
(i.e., have a path between them).
We'll cover a few different results for this problem:
- Link-cut trees (from last lecture) already solve trees
in O(lg n).
- Euler-tour trees are a simpler way to solve trees in O(lg n),
which allow us to aggregate over subtrees instead of paths.
- If we just insert or just delete edges, we can solve trees in O(1),
using our friend leaf trimming plus some simple bit-vector tricks.
- For general graphs, we'll see how to support updates in O(lg2 n)
and queries in O(lg n / lg lg n).
This will be our culmination of data structures for dynamic graphs;
the next (final) lecture is about matching lower bounds.
L21 |
May 8 |
Dynamic graphs: Ω(lg n) lower bound for dynamic connectivity
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This lecture covers our second of two lower bounds.
This one is work by Mihai Pătraşcu (former 6.851 TA) and myself.
We'll show that maintaining a graph subject to edge insertion,
edge deletion, and connectivity queries (are v & w connected
by a path?) requires Ω(lg n) time per operation, even if the
graph is just a bunch of paths. This in particular proves optimality
of the logarithmic dynamic tree data structures, and shows that
the O(lg2 n) data structure we saw for general graphs is pretty good.
The lower bound introduces a new but very simple technique, which at
the time was the first “truly logarithmic” lower bound for a natural
problem, yet the whole proof is relatively clean.
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L22 |
May 19 |
History of memory models: idealized 2-level, red-blue pebble game,
external memory, HMM, BT, (U)MH, cache oblivious
[bonus lecture]
| Erik's Notes |
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Ever wonder where the external-memory and cache-oblivious models of
Lectures 7–9 come from? It turns out that they both have a natural
history. The external-memory model combines two older models:
Floyd's idealized 2-level model of 1972, which models blocks
but not cache; and Hong and Kung's red-blue pebble game of 1981,
which models cache but not blocks.
The cache-oblivious model follows a series of attempts to model multilevel
memory hierarchies, most notably the HMM model of 1987, where it is possible
to prove that a single algorithm runs optimally on all possible memory
This lecture is not an official part of the class, but rather was part
of a STOC 2012 tutorial
on Algorithms for
Memory-Sensitive Computing, organized by Michael Bender and Martin
Farach-Colton. Given the relevance of the material, we are including it here.
Note that the format differs from the usual blackboard lecture:
it uses slides.
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