Course Projects
The final project is due at the beginning of lecture on
the last day of class, Wednesday, May 12. Suggested projects
- Modify the submodel code in sm.scm to implement the
the revised continuation form rules in Notes 8.
- Modify the submodel code in sm.scm to do context rewriting.
Do it so that the partial information available about the
hole contents may be specified by a user in a more general way than
just the choosing among the four kinds nonval, proc, constant,
struc mentioned in Notes 8.
- Notes 8, Problems 5 & 6: carefully prove that with the revised
call/cc rules, rewriting is Control-context Independent.
- Notes 8, Work out a careful proof of The Standard Context Lemma 3.5
- Notes 8, Problem 9: carefully prove that rewriting preserves
observational equivalence.
- Carefully work out a solution to Notes 8, Problem 10 watch
out, the claimed result may be buggy.
- Modify the submodel code in sm.scm to be a "normal form"
evaluator. Use this as the basis of a Scheme equation theorem-prover.
- Find an explicit arithmetic inequality that can't be proved using
the final proof system for inequalities in Notes 3 on
Arithmetic Equations & Inequalities, and explain why it can't be
- Develop a pset or project based on the submodel code suitable for
6.001 students in the first weeks of the course. Ongoing
consultation about this with the Lecturer is advised.
- Given expressions, F,G, respectively computing functions,
f,g, on S-expressions, and a fresh variable, s, Lemma
3.4 in Scheme Compuability Notes 11 observes that the expression
(lambda (s) (F (G s)))
computes f o g, the composition of f and g.
The proof in the Notes of this claim is not very satisfactory because it
rests on a variety of reasoning principles that were not fully spelled out
or justified, for example, rules like
M ↓ (letrec (B) V),
(letrec (B) (V N)) ↓ W
(M N) ↓ W.
Use properties of the Substitution Model to verify this rule and any
similar rules needed to develop a thorough proof of Lemma 3.4.
Then go on and try to develop a complete proof system for
assertions of the form "M ↓ F" where
M is an expression and F is a final value.
- Computability, Part I (Notes 11),
Prob.22: generalize Scott's Rice's 2nd Theorem.
- Identify some other poorly written or inadequately explained
portion of the course Notes or Scheme Code, and improve it. Prior approval
by the Lecturer is required.
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