Assignment #4

Due Wednesday, March 2, before class.

Revise Notes 5: Term Models (pdf), (term-models.tex) to include a running example based on a set, E, of equational axioms (other than just the Ring Axioms for arithmetic equations). Your axioms should have a simple, but not completely trivial term-model.

Some possible examples include

  1. The "automorphisms of the square" sketched in class: the signature is a symbol, ∘, of arity two, corresponding to composition, and constants R, F, D corresponding to 900 clockwise rotation, reflection about a vertical axis, reflection about an upper-left/lower-right diagonal, respectively. The axioms would include
    (xy) ∘ z = x ∘ (yz)
    asserting the associativity of composition,
    R5 = R
    corresponding to the fact that 5 clockwise 900 rotations are the same a one such rotation,
    F3 = F
    D3 = D
    corresponding to the fact that the result of 3 reflections is the same as one,
    F ∘ R = D
    corresponding to the fact that a 900 clockwise rotation followed by a reflection about a vertical axis yields the same result as a diagonal reflection, ... and a few more equations like these.
  2. Automorphisms of some other simple shape, e.g., a tetrahedron.
  3. The Ring Axioms along with
    x3 = x.

  4. The Ring Axioms along with some axiom of the form e = 0 where e is an arithmetic expression whose only variable is x.
  5. The Axioms for Boolean operations AND, OR, NOT
  6. ... something else.

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