Course announcement
Essential Coding Theory (MIT 6.440)
Prereq: 6.006, 6.045.
Time: MW 1-2:30
Location: 26-322
3-0-9 H-Level Grad Credit
Introduces essential
elements the theory of error-correcting codes.
Focuses on the basic results in the area, taught from first principles.
focus will be given on results of asymptotic or algorithmic
significance. Principal topics include
- Construction and existence
results for error-correcting codes;
- Limitations on the combinatorial
performance of error-correcting codes;
- Decoding algorithms
- Applications to other areas of mathematics and computer science.
Lecture notes for this course
from previous offerings give further
details on
the material covered. These may be found at
Madhu Sudan
TA: Swastik Kopparty