Task based vs sequential
flow of information.
A vertical decomp slices the
problem on the basis of desired external manifestations of the robot control
system. That is “behaviors”.
Behaviors are incremental
layers of competence with upper depending on lower but both running at once,
with some control over who
gets to direct the actuators (priority or arbitration or subsumption).
Arose from: (Brooks,
Science, 91: p 1228)
Realization (Agre and
Chapman) that most of what people do is ot problem-solving or planning but
benign, routine activity in a dynamic word. The agent doesn’t have to name
the objects in the world and manipulate their symbols, the objects are
defined through the interactions of the agent with the world
Roschenchein and
Kaelbling: you can talk legitimately
about an agent’s beliefs and goals but the agent may not be manipulating symbolic data structures
at run time
Brooks: internal world
models are not necessary in addition to being impossible to obtain. Coherent
intelligence emerges from separable actions of an agent as they all
independently interact with the world and are arbitrated by some priority