Questionnaire for Robotics: Science and Systems II, Fall 2005 EECS 6.189 / ME 2.994 / Aero-Astro 16.401 Lecture: MW 11-12 in 32-144 Lab: TR 230-430 in Bldg. 33 (Neumann Hangar) Name: ________________________ Email: Year (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, MEng, other): Expected graduation month and year: Major department and stream within dept: Prior experience and/or coursework in: Signals & Systems: Control: Mechanical Design: Aero/Astro Design: Software Engineering: Languages you're strong in: Languages you have so-so strength in: Languages you've had a brief introduction to: AI / Robotics: Other subjects: Departmental/Institute Lab experience: UROP and other project experience (give name of advisor or advisors): What machine shop experience (including shop courses) have you had? (OK if none.) List other relevant experience (2.70, 6.270, MASLab, industry, etc.): If you took MASLab, summarize your role within your team: RSS I Questionnaire, Page 2 Why are you interested in RSS II? If you took R:SS I last semester, do you want to have the same teammates as last year, or would you prefer a new set? List your other courses and significant time commitments this term: Because of time conflicts, we may try to find a new time for this class. Please circle any time slots below that you know will be acceptable for you. M/W/F 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 Would moving the lab time from 2:30-4:30 to 2-4pm generate a conflict for you? Yes No The labs and challenge will be done by teams of four students. What other students would you would like to have on your team (give names and emails)? Justify your request by describing what you perceive as each student's skills (e.g., EE, MechE, software, control, etc.). Note: these requests are informational only, to help us form teams! --------------------------------------------------------------------- *Check your email frequently over the next 24 hours. We are trying to finalize the set of students in RSS by the start of lab tomorrow.*