Problem 5.
Anna Logue, a circuit designer who missed several early 6.111
lectures, is struggling to design her first CMOS logic gate. She has
implemented the following circuit:

Anna has fabricated 100 test chips containing this circuit, and has a
simple testing circuit which allows her to try out her proposed gate
statically for various combinations of the A and B inputs. She has
burned out 97 of her chips, and needs your help before destroying the
remaining three. She is certain she is applying only valid input
voltages, and expects to find a valid output at terminal C. Anna also
keeps noticing a very faint smell of smoke.
What is burning out Anna's test chips? Give a specific scenario,
including input values together with a description of the failure
scenario. For what input combinations will this failure occur?
The chips are burning out when the pulldown and pullup are both
active. This will occur when A=0, B=1 or when A=1, B=0.
Are there input combinations for which Anna can expect a valid output at C? Explain.
Yes, if A=1 and B=1, then C=0. Or if A=0 and B=0, then C=1
One of Anna's test chips has failed by burning out the pullup
connected to A as well as the pulldown connected to B. Each of the
burned out FETs appears as an open circuit, but the rest of the
circuit remains functional. Can the resulting circuit be used as a
combinational device whose two inputs are A and B?
Explain its behavior for each combination of
valid inputs.
No. When A=1 and B=0, the circuit will burn out again, since the pullup
and pulldown will be active, thus burning out the circuit. Also, the
output is not defined when A=0 and B=1, since neither the pullup or
pulldown are active.
In order to salvage her remaining three chips, Anna connects the A and
B inputs of each and tries to use it as a single-input gate. Can the
result be used as a single-input combinational device? Explain.
Yes. Since A=B, we are left with the following function (an inverter):
Problem 6.
Occasionally you will come across a CMOS circuit where the
complementary nature of the n-channel pull-downs and p-channel
pull-ups are not obvious, as in the circuit shown below:
Construct a table that gives the on-off status of each transistor in
the circuit above for all combinations of inputs A and B.
Compute the output, Y, for each input combination and describe the
function of the above circuit.
The output Y is connected to four pairs of transistors in series,
so each of these pairs can affect the output.
when A=0 and B=0, transistors T4 and T5 are on, so Y=0
when A=0 and B=1, transistors T6 and T7 are on, so Y=1
when A=1 and B=0, transistors T2 and T3 are on, so Y=1
when A=1 and B=1, transistors T8 and T9 are on, so Y=0
Putting this together, we conclude that Y = XOR(A,B).
Problem 7.
Consider the following circuit that implements the 2-input function
Fill in the following truth table for H:
Give a sum-of-products expression that corresponds to the truth table above.
The equation has one product term for each line of the truth table
where H(A,B) = 1. Each product term contains two literals, one for each
of the two inputs.
_ _ _
H = A*B + A*B + A*B
Using the following table of timing specifications for each component,
what are tCD and tPD for the circuit
shown above?
gate | tCD | tPD |
I | 3ps | 15ps |
ND2 | 5ps | 30ps |
AN2 | 12ps | 50ps |
NR2 | 5ps | 30ps |
OR2 | 12ps | 50ps |
tCD = cd(NR2) + cd(NR2) + cd(ND2) = 15ps
= minimum considering all paths from inputs to output
tPD = pd(AN2) + pd(NR2) + pd(ND2) = 110ps
= maximum considering all paths from inputs to output
Problem 8.
Gates and Boolean equations
Show the Boolean equation for the function F described by the
following circuit:
_ _ _
F(A,B,C,D) = A*B + A*C*D + A*B*C
Consider the circuit shown below. Each of the control inputs, C0
through C3, must be tied to a constant, either 0 or 1.
What are the values of C0 through C3
that would cause F to be the exclusive OR
of A and B?
We want F to be 1 when A=1 and B=0, or when A=0 and B=1.
So C0 = 0, C1 = 1, C2 = 1, C3 = 0.
Can any arbitrary
Boolean function of A and B be realized through appropriate wiring of the
control signals C0 through C3?
Yes. This circuit implements a 4-input MUX with its two select lines
connected to A and B. By choosing the appropriate values for C0 through C3 we
can implement any of the 16 possible Boolean functions of A and B.
Give a sum-of-products expression for each of the
following circuits:
_ _
(A) = A*B + B + C
_ _
(B) = A*C + B*C
_ _
(C) = A*C + B*C
_ _ _
(D) = A*B + A*C*D + A*B*C
_ _ _
(E) = A*D + B*C + B*D
Give a canonical sum-of-products expression for the Boolean function
described by each truth table below
We can construct a sum-of-products expression from a truth table
by writing down a product term for each line of the table where
the output is 1. Each product term contains all the input
variables: directly (ie, "A") if that variable is 1 for this
line of the truth table, or negated (ie, "not A") if that variable
is 0 for this line of the truth table. We then OR the product terms
together to get the final expression:
_ _ _ _ _ _
F(A,B,C) = A*B*C + A*B*C + A*B*C + A*B*C
_ _ _
G(A,B,C) = A*B*C + A*B*C + A*B*C + A*B*C
We've seen that there are a total of sixteen 2-input Boolean
functions. How many 5-input Boolean functions are there?
There are 225 = 232 5-input
boolean functions. To see why, recall that the truth table
for a 5-input function will have 32 rows, one for each possible
combination of the 5 inputs. The output column for each row
can be filled in with one of two choices ("0" or "1"), for a total
of 232 possible ways of filling in the output column
for all 32 rows.
Problem 9.
A priority encoder has inputs that are assigned some predetermined
order. The output is the binary encoding of the first "1" valued input
from the ordered list, and it is zero otherwise.
Give the truth table for a 3-input priority encoder.
Assume the inputs are A, B, C with A having priority 3, B priority 2
and C priority 1:
A B C | P1 P0
0 0 0 | 0 0
0 0 1 | 0 1
0 1 0 | 1 0
0 1 1 | 1 0
1 0 0 | 1 1
1 0 1 | 1 1
1 1 0 | 1 1
1 1 1 | 1 1
Give a sum of products realization of this priority encoder.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
P1 = A*B*C + A*B*C + A*B*C + A*B*C + A*B*C + A*B*C = A + B
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
P0 = A*B*C + A*B*C + A*B*C + A*B*C + A*B*C = A + B*C
Problem 10.
Suppose we are building circuits using only the
following three components:
- inverter: tcd = 0.5ns, tpd = 1.0ns, tr = tf = 0.7ns
- 2-input NAND: tcd = 0.5ns, tpd = 2.0ns, tr = tf = 1.2ns
- 2-input NOR: tcd = 0.5ns, tpd = 2.0ns, tr = tf = 1.2ns
Consider the following circuit constructed from an inverter
and four 2-input NOR gates:
What is tPD for this circuit?
tPD for the circuit is the maximum cumulative propagation delay
considering all paths from any input to any output. In this
circuit, the longest path involves three 2-input NAND gates
with a cummulative tPD = 6ns.
What is tCD for this circuit?
tCD for the circuit is the minimum cumulative contamination delay
considering all paths from any input to any output. In this
circuit, the shortest path involves two 2-input NAND gates
with a cumulative tCD = 1ns.
What is tPD of the fastest equivalent
circuit (i.e., one that implements the same function)
built using only the three components listed above?
The most straightforward way to determine the functionality of
a circuit is to build a truth table:
0 0 | 1
0 1 | 0
1 0 | 1
1 1 | 0
from which we can see that OUT = not B. We can implement
this with a single inverter that has a tPD = 1ns.
Problem 11.
Suppose that each component in the circuit below has a
propagation delay (tpd) of 10ns, a contamination delay (tcd)
of 1ns, and negligable rise and fall times. Suppose initially
that all four inputs are 1 for a long time and then the input D
changes to 0.
Draw a waveform plot showing how X, Y, Z, W and
Q change with time after the input transition on D.