We redid the 6.111 lab over the summer -- new benches, chairs, etc. You may discover that things still need doing. Please help with those items you feel comfortable with (eg, plugging in the benches); otherwise send us email about items that need to be addressed. Thanks. |
Logging into the lab machines
If you get a message "Cannot connect to the domain server" when trying to logon, the machine is experiencing network problems. The 6th floor network switch might be having problems with particular ports, so try another machine.
Programming your PAL
The software system we use to convert Verilog to PAL programming files is called Warp, a product of Cypress, one of the PAL manufacturers. The actual program we want to run is Galaxy. To start Galaxy on the lab machines go to Start => Programs => Cypress => Warp R6.34 => Galaxy.
The prom/pal programmers are located in the row of benches furthest from the entrance (the row against the west wall of the lab). You'll need to use a floppy to bring your JEDEC programming file -- the one created by WARP -- over to programmer PCs.
Using the oscilloscope
It's a good idea to test your scope probes before making your first measurement. Try connecting them to +5 and GND to make sure they are operating correctly and that the waveform display is what you expect. Wire up the 1.8432Mhz oscillator chip (see Exercise #3) and attach the scope probes to its output; use the scope to measure the period/frequency of the output waveform.