Feb 24th: If you did not receive any message from me today (at around 5pm) through the mailing list 6.006-students, please send me an email so that I can add you to the list. And if you haven't signed up to piazza, please do so ASAP! :-) Enjoy your weekend!
Feb 24th: Problem set 2 is out. It is due on March 7th. The submission server is still not working (in case you are really on top of your work) for this problem set, but it will be soon. Enjoy this pset, this one will be lots of fun! :-)
Feb 23rd: Here is some code for an (unbalanced) binary search tree. The actual methods are implemented recursively in the BSTNode class; the BST class is just a small wrapper around the node.
Feb 12th: Problem set 1 question 4 updated. (a new version of the pset has been posted in the place of the original one, with the fix to problem 4 in it) Notice that the definition of peak is the same as the one that we gave to you in lecture. A peak is an element that is greater than or equal to its neighbors.
Feb 10th: RECITATION ROOM CHANGE. The 12pm and 1pm recitations moved to room 34-302.
Feb 9th: Homework 1 is posted. Please take a look at the solution template given to you. We know it is a python file, and you should put your answers there. We will not use LaTeX for this problem set. Note that you should submit your solutions online at: