6.006: Introduction to Algorithms


15 Feb 2011 - Problem set 2 out
Problem set 2 has been posted. It's long, so please get started early!

14 Feb 2011 - Submission server issues
As we have noted on Piazzza, the submission server is having trouble. Please send your submission (from your MIT email address) to 6.006-tas before the deadline. We'll also honor submissions made through the submission server prior to the deadline.

3 Feb 2011 - Problem set 1 updated
We've updated the problem set 1 assignment PDF and the part 1 archive to correct a small bug in each. If you've already started, please make sure to take note of these updates.

23 Jan 2011 - Getting started
Welcome to 6.006! Please make sure that you have created an account at Piazzza (via this link) and in our grading system. If you have not yet given us your recitation availability, please do so before the first lecture (check your email!).