6.006: Introduction to Algorithms

Contacting the staff
Do you need help with something? Which resource you should use depends on the nature of your problem. For questions about the subject matter, try looking to see if a similar question has already been asked on Piazza first; and if you can't find an answer, ask a new question there. This will allow us to prepare (and refine) one authoritative answer to each question, and may keep you from having to wait for an email reply!
If your problem is of a personal or individual nature, you should most likely begin by contacting your TA individually. For administrative concerns (quiz conflicts, switching recitations, and so forth), email the 6.006-staff mailing list. This list reaches all members of the course staff, which is the best way to guarantee a fast response. For sensitive issues, email the 6.006-faculty mailing list, which reaches the lecturers only.
Teaching assistants