Edward Burnell
Convex modeling languages such as JuMP, cvx, GPkit, and Convex.jl provide ways to create and solve complex descriptions of a convex optimization problem. The role of such a modeling language is to translate the user's intent and understanding of their problem into a form conducive to numerical solving, and this has proved an effective and popular abstraction.
A common user intent is the creation of tradeoff curves between the optimal cost and some parameter of the model. There are many reasons a user could want to make such a curve; parameters may represent unmodeled effects or other uncertainties, so the tradeoff curve will show the result's sensitivity to that uncertainty. Alternately, the model may have multiple objectives, and the tradeoff curve directly represents a Pareto frontier.
Whatever the user's reasons for wanting a tradeoff curve, JuMP, cvx, GPkit, and Convex.jl all explicitly document how to step the parameter through a series of values in a for
loop, and to varying extents have features to make doing so easier. In other words, they all turn the user's desire to know how the optimal cost varies over an interval into a grid of individual solution points.
In most cases the immediate use of these solution points will be a simple line plot that linearly interpolates between them, as shown in the slope discontinuities of this this cvx example. For conventionally convex optimization, these secants of the actual cost are a conservative upper bound, but for log-convex problems such as Geometric Programs they provide no such guarantee unless they are linearly interpolated on a log-log plot, which few users will do of their own accord.
Guessing what resolution of grid to use can be tricky for the user, whose goal is generally to capture the interesting features of the tradeoff. Each solve can take a considerable amount of time, but using too few solves renders the plot meaningless: a secant line across the bowl of a parabola made by solving on either side of it is clearly not a useful description of the curve.
With a bit of math, we can do better. The simplest way to improve on the grid-search is to make use of the fact that the secant line is an upper bound: that is, given the parameter boundaries $p_0 \lt p_1$ and associated costs $c_0,\ c_1$:
$$c(p) \leq \underset{[p_0, p_1]}{\mathrm{secant}}(p) = c_1\frac{p-p_0}{p_1 - p_0} + c_0\ \ \forall p \in [p_0, p_1]$$As this is an affine function of $p$, we can find the point at which using this secant line as a fit causes the most error:
$$\begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} & \underset{p}{\text{maximize}} & & \mathrm{secant}(p) - c(p) \\ & \text{subject to} & & p_o \leq p \leq p_1 \\ & & & \text{(+ the original constraints)} \end{aligned} \end{equation*}$$Solving this problem gives us $p^*$, $c(p^*)$ just as if we had decided to solve for $p^*$ in our initial grid, but also bounds our error, guaranteeing that:
$$\text{max fit error} = \underset{[p_0, p_1]}{\mathrm{secant}(p)} - c(p) \leq \underset{[p_0, p_1]}{\mathrm{secant}(p^*)} - c(p^*)$$This technique can be recursed on the new intervals $[p_0, p^*]$ and $[p^*, p_1]$ until a user-specified fit error tolerance is reached. An interval that reaches that tolerance sooner can stop solving sooner, providing more resolution in the high-curvature regions of the underlying cost function and dealing trivally with the linear regions.
Compared to the grid-stepping method, this means the user can directly communicate their intent (a curve that captures features beyond a certain size), and the software can use fewer solves to deliver the same resolution.
Alternatively, we can combine the following three facts:
to, given $p_0,\ p_1,\ c_0,\ c_1$ as above, and the derivatives $s_0,\ s_1$, fully bound possible costs on the interval $[p_0,\ p_1]$:
$$\mathrm{max}(c_0 + s_0(p - p_0), c_1 + s_1(p - p_1)) = \mathrm{max}(\underset{[p_0, p_1]}{\mathrm{tangents}}(p)) \leq c(p) \leq \underset{[p_0, p_1]}{\mathrm{secant}}(p) \\ \forall p \in [p_0, p_1]$$By approximating the curve between $p_0$ and $p_1$ as halfway between this upper and lower bound, we can use the derivative information to provide a fit with $\text{max fit error}$ less then or equal to half the largest gap between the upper and lower bounds.
To find $\text{max fit error}$ we can solve the linear program (in one dimension this is the point at which the tangent lines intersect, but that does not extend to higher dimensions):
$$\begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} & \underset{p}{\text{maximize}} & & 0.5 (\mathrm{secant}(p) - \mathrm{tangent\_max}(p)) \\ & \text{subject to} & & p_o \leq p \leq p_1 \\ & & & \mathrm{tangent\_max} \geq \mathrm{tangent}_0(p) \\ & & & \mathrm{tangent\_max} \geq \mathrm{tangent}_1(p) \end{aligned} \end{equation*}$$If $\text{max fit error}$ is still too high, we can recurse on the intervals $[p_0, p^*]$ and $[p^*, p_1]$ as above.
Approach 1 is easier to implement (as it does not require parsing the dual solution), and without the LP solve is lower overhead. However, approach 2 can provide an error estimate and improve the fit without requiring any additional solves.
In general I would expect approach 2 to require fewer solves for tight fits, but because approach 1 operates directly on fit error, not on bounded possibilities, I expect that it will perform better in some cases.
Several things become more difficult in higher dimensions.
First, the interval on which the fit is conducted becomes a volume, or a simplex at minimum complexity. Recursing on this, and creating the data structure to store and return this data, becomes much more complicated.
Secondly, as mentioned above in the description of approach 2, the point at which all the gradient hyperplanes (N-dimensional derivative slopes) intersect is not necessarily in the projection of the spanned simplex ((N-dimensional interval). Someone better at linear algebra than I could probably still determine $p^*$ without an LP solve, but my efforts to do so were unsuccessful.
The code below uses approach 2 and simplex-spanning trees to store the solution, and works in 1 and 2 dimensions, with numerical errors at high accuracy in the 2-dimensional case. It turned out to be much more difficult to properly retrieve the data than I expected!
import Convex
import ECOS
import Base.contains
abstract SpanningTree
worst_abstol(t::SpanningTree) = maximum(map(worst_abstol, t.trees))
estimator(t::SpanningTree) = p -> estimate(t, p)
lower_bounder(t::SpanningTree) = p -> lower_bound(t, p)
upper_bounder(t::SpanningTree) = p -> upper_bound(t, p)
estimate(t::SpanningTree, p) = estimate(smallest_containing(t, p), p)
lower_bound(t::SpanningTree, p) = lower_bound(smallest_containing(t, p), p)
upper_bound(t::SpanningTree, p) = upper_bound(smallest_containing(t, p), p)
function smallest_containing(t::SpanningTree, p::Array{Float64, 1})
for subtree in t.trees
if contains(subtree, p)
return smallest_containing(subtree, p)
function refine_to(t::SpanningTree, abstol::Float64)
for i in 1:length(t.trees)
t.trees[i] = refine_to(t.trees[i], abstol)
return t
abstract AbstractSimplexSpanningTree <: SpanningTree
# function smallest_containing(t::AbstractSimplexSpanningTree, p::Vector)
# check closest point on each boundary-line is between 0 and 1 (+eps?);
# how will this do with coplanar?
# only one (st) should not be:
# at first, for debug, @assert contains(st, p)
# return st.smallest_containing(point)
# then, if that works just return the first
# else:
# throw(DomainError())
# end
abstract SpanningLeaf <: AbstractSimplexSpanningTree
immutable SimplexSpanningTree <: AbstractSimplexSpanningTree
corners::Array{Float64, 2}
costs::Array{Float64, 1}
trees::Array{SpanningTree, 1}
type SimplexSpanningCanopy <: AbstractSimplexSpanningTree
corners::Array{Float64, 2}
costs::Array{Float64, 1}
grads::Array{Float64, 2}
trees::Array{SpanningLeaf, 1}
split_point::Array{Float64, 1}
coplanar_idxs::Array{Int8, 1}
function SimplexSpanningCanopy(corners, costs, grads, root)
split, lb, ub, coplanar_idxs = find_split(corners, costs, grads)
obj = new(corners, costs, grads, root, [], split, lb, ub, coplanar_idxs)
idxs = filter(c -> !in(c, coplanar_idxs), 1:size(corners, 1))
obj.trees = [SimplexSpanningLeaf(root, obj, i) for i in idxs]
return obj
function refine_to(t::SimplexSpanningCanopy, abstol::Float64)
# function should be declared for Tree
if worst_abstol(t) ≤ abstol
return t
cost, grad = t.root.solvefn(t.split_point)
@assert t.split_lb-1e-5 ≤ cost ≤ t.split_ub+1e-5
idxs = filter(c -> !in(c, t.coplanar_idxs), 1:size(t.corners, 1))
trees = Array{SpanningTree,1}(length(t.trees))
for j in 1:length(idxs)
i = idxs[j]
corners = copy(t.corners)
corners[i,:] = t.split_point
costs = copy(t.costs)
costs[i] = cost
grads = copy(t.grads)
grads[i,:] = grad
trees[j] = SimplexSpanningCanopy(corners, costs, grads, t.root)
obj = SimplexSpanningTree(t.corners, t.costs, trees)
refine_to(obj, abstol)
return obj
immutable SimplexSpanningLeaf <: SpanningLeaf
corners::Array{Float64, 2}
function SimplexSpanningLeaf(root, parent, idx_in_parent)
corners = copy(parent.corners)
corners[idx_in_parent,:] = parent.split_point
new(root, parent, idx_in_parent, corners)
smallest_containing(l::SimplexSpanningLeaf, p::Array{Float64, 1}) = l # no Domain check
function estimate(l::SimplexSpanningLeaf, p::Array{Float64, 1})
costs = copy(l.parent.costs)
costs[l.idx_in_parent] = (l.parent.split_lb + l.parent.split_ub)/2
interpolate(l.corners, costs, p)
function lower_bound(l::SimplexSpanningLeaf, p::Array{Float64, 1})
costs = copy(l.parent.costs)
costs[l.idx_in_parent] = l.parent.split_lb
interpolate(l.corners, costs, p)
function upper_bound(l::SimplexSpanningLeaf, p::Array{Float64, 1})
costs = copy(l.parent.costs)
costs[l.idx_in_parent] = l.parent.split_ub
interpolate(l.corners, costs, p)
function worst_abstol(l::SimplexSpanningLeaf)
(l.parent.split_ub - l.parent.split_lb)/2
function contains(t::AbstractSimplexSpanningTree, p::Array{Float64, 1})
lam = barycentric_coords(t.corners, p)
all(-1e-5 .≤ lam .≤ 1 + 1e-5)
function interpolate(x::Array{Float64, 2}, y::Array{Float64, 1}, x_::Array{Float64, 1})
lam = barycentric_coords(x, x_)
@assert all(-1e-5 .≤ lam .≤ 1 + 1e-5)
function barycentric_coords(x::Array{Float64, 2}, x_::Array{Float64, 1})
N = size(x, 1)
T = x[1:N-1,1:N-1]' - x[N,:]*ones(N-1)'
lam_ = inv(T)*(x_ - x[N,:])
[lam_; 1-sum(lam_)]
type TesellatingSpanningTree <: SpanningTree
corners::Array{Float64, 2}
costs::Array{Float64, 1}
grads::Array{Float64, 2}
trees::Array{SpanningTree, 1}
function TesellatingSpanningTree(corners, solvefn)
# must be given a simplex. TODO: use QHULL, rename CubeSpanningTree
N = size(corners, 1)
D = N-1
costs = Array{Float64,1}(N)
grads = Array{Float64,2}(N,D)
for i in 1:N
costs[i], grads[i,:] = solvefn(corners[i,:])
obj = new(corners, solvefn, costs, grads, [])
obj.trees = [SimplexSpanningCanopy(corners, costs, grads, obj)]
function get_y_s(corners, solvefn)
# must be given a simplex. TODO: use QHULL, rename CubeSpanningTree
N = size(corners, 1)
D = N-1
costs = Array{Float64,1}(N)
grads = Array{Float64,2}(N,D)
for i in 1:N
costs[i], grads[i,:] = solvefn(corners[i,:])
costs, grads
function find_split(x::Array{Float64, 2}, y::Array{Float64, 1}, s::Array{Float64, 2})
# find_split has to coerce the split to be exactly coplanar
# coplanar_idxs are the point *not* in the hyperplane on which the split rests
x_ = Convex.Variable(size(x, 2))
lb = Convex.Variable()
ub = Convex.Variable()
N = size(x, 1)
T = x[1:N-1,1:N-1]' .- x[N,:]
lam_ = inv(T)*(x_ - x[N,:])
lam = [lam_; 1-sum(lam_)]
problem = Convex.maximize(ub-lb, [lam >= 0, ub <= (lam'*y)[1], ub >= lb,
lb >= y + diag(s*(x_[1,:] .- x'))])
x_ = x_.value
if length(x_) == 1
x_ = [x_]
x_ = x_[:]
lam_ = inv(T)*(x_ - x[N,:])
lam = [lam_; 1-sum(lam_)]
# note, arbitrary threshold below
coplanar_idxs = filter(i -> lam[i] ≤ 1e-5, 1:N)
return x_, lb.value, ub.value, coplanar_idxs
tri = TesellatingSpanningTree([1. 0; -1 0; 0 1], x -> (x[1]^2 + x[2], [2x[1], 1]))
estimate(tri, [-0.28907,0.21449])
refine_to(tri, 0.6)
estimator(tri).([[1.; 0], [0.; 0], [-0.28907; 0.21449]])
using Interact
using Plots
pyplot(leg=false, ticks=nothing, grid=false, border=false)
function parab_approx(bounds, abstol, ylims)
dr = TesellatingSpanningTree([bounds;]', x -> (x[1]^2, [2x[1]]))
refine_to(dr, abstol)
x = Array(linspace(bounds[1], bounds[2], 21))
y = x.^2
y_lb = lower_bounder(dr).([[x_] for x_ in x])
y_ub = upper_bounder(dr).([[x_] for x_ in x])
plot(x, y_lb, line=:tomato, fill=:tomato, fill_between=y_ub)
plot!(x, y, ; line=(:black))
plot!(xlims=[bounds[1], bounds[2]], ylims=ylims)
calipers = (:black, 2.5)
plot!(bounds[2]*(1-[0.05, 0.05]), mean(ylims)+abstol/2*[-1, 1], line=calipers)
plot!(bounds[2]*(1-[0 , 0.1 ]), mean(ylims)+abstol/2*[-1, -1], line=calipers)
plot!(bounds[2]*(1-[0 , 0.1 ]), mean(ylims)+abstol/2*[ 1, 1], line=calipers)
parab_approx([-1. 2], 4.0, [-2, 4])
@manipulate for abstol in [4.0, 2.3, 0.57, 0.15, 0.036]
parab_approx([-2. 2], abstol, [-4, 4])
@gif for abstol_exp=0.6:-0.01:-1
parab_approx([-1. 2], 10.0^abstol_exp, [-2, 4])