Markov Chains
Markov chains:
- Powerful tool for sampling from complicated distributions
- rely only on local moves to explore state space.
- Many use Markov chains to model events that arise in nature.
- We create Markov chains to explore and sample from problems.
- Fix some assignment $A$
- let $f(k)$ be expected time to get all $n$ variables to match $A$ if $k$ currently match.
- Then $f(n)=0$, $f(0)=1+f(1)$, and $f(k)=1+\frac12(f(k+1)+f(k-1)$.
- Rewrite: $f(0)-f(1) = 1$ and $f(k)-f(k+1) = 2+f(k-1)-f(k)$
- So $f(k)-f(k+1) = 2k+1$
- deduce $f(0) = 1+3+\cdots+(2n-1) = n^2$
- so, find with probability $1/2$ in $2n^2$ time.
- With high probability, find in $O(n^2\log n)$ time.
More general formulation: Markov chain
- State space $S$
- markov chain begins in a start state $X_0$, moves from state to state, so output of chain is a sequence of states $X_0,X_1,\ldots = \{X_t\}_{t=0}^\infty$
- movement controlled by matrix of transition probabilities $p_{ij}=$ probability next state will be $j$ given current is $i$.
- thus, $\sum_j p_{ij} = 1$ for every $i \in S$
- implicit in definition is memorylessness property: \[ \Pr[X_{t+1} = j \mid X_0 = i_0,X_1=i_1,\ldots,X_t = i] = \Pr[X_{t+1} = j \mid X_t = i] = p_{ij}. \]
- Initial state $X_0$ can come from any probability distribution, or might be fixed (trivial prob. dist.)
- Dist for $X_0$ leads to dist over sequences $\{X_t\}$
- Suppose $X_t$ has distribution $q$ (vector, $q_i$ is prob. of state $i$). Then $X_{t+1}$ has dist $qP$. Why?
- Observe $\Pr[X_{t+r} = j \mid X_t = i] = P^r_{ij}$
Graph of MC:
- Vertex for every state
- Edge $(i,j)$ if $p_{ij} > 0$
- Edge weight $p_{ij}$
- weighted outdegree 1
- Possible state sequences are paths through the graph
Stationary distribution:
- a $\pi$ such that $\pi P = \pi$
- left eigenvector, eigenvalue 1
- steady state behavior of chain: if in stationary, stay there.
- note stationary distribution is a sample from state space, so if can get right stationary distribution, can sample
- lots of chains have them.
- to say which, need definitions.
Things to rule out:
- infinite directed line (no stationary)
- disconnected graph (multiple)
- 2-cycle (back and forth is not stationary)
- any state can each any other state
- i.e. path between any two states
- i.e. single strong component in graph
- $r_{ij}^{(t)}$ is probability first hit state $j$ at $t$, given start state $i$.
- $f_{ij}$ is probability eventually reach $j$ from $i$, so $\sum r_{ij}^{(t)}$
- expected time to reach is hitting time $h_{ij} = \sum tr_{ij}^{(t)}$
- If $f_{ij}< 1$ then $h_{ij}=\infty$ since might never reach. Converse not always true.
- If $f_{ii}< 1$, state is transient. Else persistent. If $h_{ii}=\infty$, null persistent.
Persistence in finite graphs:
- graph has strong components
- final strong component has no outgoing edges
- Nonfinal components:
- once leave nonfinal component, cannot return
- if nonfinal, nonzero probability of leaving in $n$ steps.
- so guaranteed to leave eventually
- so, vertices in nonfinal components are transient
- Final components
- if final, will stay in that component
- If two vertices in same strong component, have path between them
- so nonzero probability of reaching in (say) $n$ steps.
- so, vertices in final components are persistent
- geometric distribution on time to reach, so expected time finite. Not null-persistent
- In finite chain, no null-persistent states
- In finite irreducible chain, all states non-null persistent (no transient states)
- Periodicity of a state is max $T$ such that some state only has nonzero probability at times $a+Ti$ for integer $i$
- Chain periodic if some state has periodicity $>1$
- In graph, all cycles containing state have length multiple of $T$
- Easy to eliminate: add self loops
- slows down chain, otherwise same
- aperiodic and non-null persistent
- means might be in state at any time in (sufficiently far) future
Fundamental Theorem of Markov chains: Any irreducible, finite, aperiodic Markov chain satisfies:
- All states ergodic (reachable at any time in future)
- unique stationary distribution $\pi$, with all $\pi_i > 0$
- $f_{ii}=1$ and $h_{ii}=1/\pi_i$
- number of times visit $i$ in $t$ steps approaches $t\pi_i$ in limit of $t$.
Finite irreducible aperiodic implies ergodic (since finite irreducible implies non-null persistent)
Intuitions for quantities:
- $h_{ii}$ is expected return time
- So hit every $1/h_{ii}$ steps on average
- So $h_{ii} = 1/\pi_i$
- If in stationary dist, $t\pi_i$ visits follows from linearity of expectation
Random walks on undirected graphs:
- general Markov chains are directed graphs. But undirected have some very nice properties.
- take a connected, non-bipartite undirected graph on $n$ vertices
- states are vertices.
- move to uniformly chosen neighber.
- So $p_{uv} = 1/d(u)$ for every neighbor $v$
- stationary distribution: $\pi_v = d(v)/2m$
- unqiqueness says this is only one
- deduce $h_{vv}=2m/d(v)$
- Hitting time $h_{uv}$ is expected time to reach $u$ from $v$
- commute time is $h_{uv}+h_{vu}$
- $C_u(G)$ is expected time to visit all vertices of $G$, starting at $u$
- cover time is $\max_u C_u(G)$ (so in fact is max over any starting distribution).
- let's analyze max cover time
- clique: commute time $n$, cover time $\Theta(n\log n)$
- line: commute time between ends is $\Theta(n^2)$
- lollipop: $h_{uv}=\Theta(n^3)$ while $h_{vu} = \Theta(n^2)$ (big difference!)
- also note: lollipop has edges added to line, but higher cover time: adding edges can increase cover time even though improves connectivity.
general graphs: adjacent vertices:
- lemma: for adjcaent $(u,v)$, $h_{uv}+h_{vu} \le 2m$
- proof: new markov chain on edge traversed following vertex
- transition matrix is doubly stochastic: column sums are 1 (exactly $d(v)$ edges can transit to edge $(v,w)$, each does so with probability $1/d(v)$)
- In homework, show such matrices have uniform stationary distribution.
- Deduce $\pi_e = 1/2m$. Thus $h_{ee}=2m$.
- So consider suppose original chain on vertex $v$.
- suppose arrived via $(u,v)$
- expected to traverse $(u,v)$ again in $2m$ steps
- at this point will have commuted $u$ to $v$ and back.
- so conditioning on arrival method, commute time $2m$ (thanks to memorylessness)
General graph cover time:
- theorem: cover time $O(mn)$
- proof: find a spanning tree
- consider a dfs of tree-crosses each edge once in each direction, gives order $v_1,\ldots,v_{2n-1}$
- time for the vertices to be visited in this order is upper bounded by commute time
- but vertices adjacent, so commute times $O(m)$
- total time $O(mn)$
- tight for lollipop, loose for line.
Tighter analysis:
- analogue with electrical networks
- Assume unit edge resistance
- Kirchoff's law: current (rate of transitions) conservation
- Ohm's law
- Gives effective resistance $R_{uv}$ between two vertices.
- Theorem: $C_{uv} = 2mR_{uv}$
- (tightens previous theorem, since $R_{uv} \le 1$)
- Proof:
- Suppose put $d(x)$ amperes into every $x$, remove $2m$ from $v$
- $\phi_{uv}$ voltage at $u$ with respect to $v$
- Ohm: Current from $u$ to neighboring $w$ is $\phi_{uv}-\phi_{wv}$
- Kirchoff: $d(u) = \sum_{w \in N(u)}$ currents $=\sum_{w \in N(u)} \phi_{uv}-\phi_{wv}=d(u)\phi_{uv}-\sum \phi_{wv}$
- Also, $h_{uv} = \sum (1/d(u))(1+h_{wv})$, ie $d(u)h_{uv} = d(u)+ \sum_w h_{wv}$
- same soln to both linear equations, so $\phi_{uv} = h_{uv}$
- By same arg, $h_{vu}$ is voltage at $v$ wrt $u$, if insert $2m$ at $u$ and remove $d(x)$ from every $x$
- add linear systems, find $h_{uv}+h_{vu}$ is voltage difference when insert $2m$ at $u$ and remove at $v$.
- now apply ohm.
Testing graph connectivity in logspace.
- Deterministic algorithm (matrix squaring) gives $\log^2 n$ space
- Smarter algorithms gives $\log^{4/3} n$ space
- Randomized logspace achieves one-sided error
- derandomized $\log n$ recently achieved by Reingold
- proves $SL=L$ where $SL$ is nondeterministic logspace algorithms and $L$ is deterministic ones.
universal traversal sequences.
- Define labelled graph
- UTS covers any labelled graph
- deterministic construction known for cycle only
- we showed cover time $O(n^3)$
- so probability takes more than $2n^3$ to cover is $1/2$
- repeat $k$ times. Prob fail $1/2^k$
- How many graphs? $(nd)^{O(nd)}$
- So set $k=O(nd\log nd)$
- probabilistic method
Nisan $n^{O(\log n)}$ via pseudorandom generator that fools logspace machines.
Bipartite Matching
Goel, Kapralov, Khanna 2010.
An amazing algorithm for regular bipartite graphs.
- general bipartite graphs: $\Olog(m\sqrt{n})$
- based on augmenting paths
- use regularity to find them super fast
- by taking a random walk from left to right side!
- $O(n\log n)$---sublinear!
- degree $d$
- suppose have $2k$ unmatched nodes ($k$ per side)
- need augmenting path to add one.
- direct all edges left to right
- contract $n-k$ matching edges
- now any directed path through merged vertex is following back edge
- so any path from (unmatch) left vertex to (unmatched) right vertex is augmenting path
- merged vertices have in and outdegree $d-1$
- add source $s$ with $d$ parallel edges to every unmatched left vertex (so indegree equals outdegree $d$)
- add sink $t$ with $d$ parallel edge from every unmatched right vertex (so indegree equals outdegree $d$)
- merge $s$ and $t$ (so indegree equals outdegree $dk$)
- conclude: every vertex has same in and out degree (Eulerian)
- Start a random walk at $s$.
- When you return to $s$ you must have reached $t$
- so you found an augmenting path!
- like undirected graphs, Eulerian graphs have stationary distribution uniform over $m$ edges
- since for degree $d$ vertex $v$ $$ \begin{align*} \Pr[(v,w)] &= \sum_{(u,v)} \Pr[(u,v)]\cdot (1/d)\\ &=\sum_{(u,v)} (1/m)\cdot(1/d)\\ &= d\cdot(1/m)\cdot(1/d)\\ &=1/m \end{align*} $$
- so, vertex probability is indegree over total degree
- thus, by fundamental theorem, expected return time is total degree over individual degree
- total degree is $nd-(n-k)$ original edges plus $2kd$ edges for $s$ and $t$ for total at most $(n+2k)d$
- degree of $s$ is $kd$
- ratio (expected time) $2+n/k$
- sum over $k$: entire time is $2n+O(n\log n)$