- operations on reals, including sqrts.
- (why OK)
- line segment intersections
- DISCRETE randomization
- graphics of course
- any domain where few variables, many constraints
Point location in line arrangements
- $n$ lines in plane
- gives $O(n^2)$ convex regions
- goal: given point, find containing region.
- for convenience, use triangulated $T(L)$
- triangulation introduces $O(n^2)$ segments (planar graph)
- assume all inside a bounding triangle
how about a binary space partition?
- single line splits input into two groups of n-1 rays
- search time (depth) could be $n$
A good algorithm:
- choose $r$ random lines $R$, triangulate
- inside each triangle, some lines.
- good if each triangle has only $an(\log r)/r$ lines in it
- choose $r$ so this is $< n/2$
- will show good with prob. 1/2
- recurse in each triangle---halves lines
- search by finding right triangle then searching its child structure
Simple analysis:
- $n^2$ triangles
- prob. bad one “lives” is $2^{-r}$
- so take $r=O(\log n)$; whp no bad triangles
- polylog time to find root triangle
- so polylogarithmic search time
- better analysis shortly
Proof of good
- As with cut sampling, consider individual “problem” events, show unlikely
- Let $\Delta$ be all triplets of $L$-intersections
- when $\delta \in \Delta$ is bad:
- let $I(\delta)$ be number of lines hitting $\delta$
- let $G(\delta)$ be lines that induce $\delta$ (at least 3, at most 6)
- for bad $\delta$, must have all lines of $G(\delta)$ in $R$ (call this $B_1(\delta)$), no lines of $I(\delta)$ in $R$ (call this $B_2(\delta)$.
- bound prob. of bad $\delta$:
- we know \[ \Pr[\delta] \le \Pr[B_1(\delta)]\Pr[B_2(\delta)\mid B_1(\delta)] \] (why not equal? Because triangulation may not create triangle from $\delta$)
- Given $B_1(\delta)$, still need $r-|G(\delta)| \ge r-6 \ge r/2$ drawings (assuming $r > 12$)
- prob. none picked is at most \[ (1-\frac{|I(\delta)|}{n})^{r/2} \le e^{-rI(\delta)/2n} \]
- Only care if $I(\delta) > an(\log r)/r$---large triplets
- $\Pr[B_2(\delta) \mid B_1(\delta)] \le r^{-a/2}$ for large triplet
- prob. some bad at most \[ r^{-a/2} \sum_\delta \Pr[B_1(\delta)] \]
- sum is expected number of large triplets.
- at most $r^2$ points in sample
- at most $(r^2)^3=r^6$ triplets in sample
- expectation at most $r^6$
- choose $a>12$, deduce result.
Construction time:
- Construction recurrence: \[ T(n) \le nr^2 + cr^2T(an\frac{\log r}{r}) = O(n^{2+\epsilon(r)}) \]
- $\epsilon$ decreasing with $r$
- by choosing large $r$, arbitrarily close to $O(n^2)$
- Space recurrence: replace $nr^2$ by $r$, but get same bound
- Note $n^2$ line intersections, so this is lower bound
Randomized incremental construction
Special sampling idea:
- Sample all except one item
- hope final addition makes small or no change
- process items in order
- average case analysis
- randomize order to achieve average case
- e.g. binary tree for sorting
Convex Hulls
$\newcommand{\conv}{\mbox{\em conv}}$Define
- assume no 3 points on straight line.
- output:
- points and edges on hull
- in counterclockwise order
- can leave out edges by hacking implementation
algorithm (RIC):
- random order $p_i$
- insert one at a time (to get $S_i$)
- update $\conv(S_{i-1})\rightarrow \conv(S_i)$
- new point stretches convex hull
- remove new non-hull points
- revise hull structure
Data structure:
- point $p_0$ inside hull (how find? centroid of 3 vertices.)
- for each $p$, edge of $\conv(S_i)$ hit by $\vec{p_0p}$
- say $p$ cuts this edge
- To update $p_i$ in $\conv(S_{i-1})$:
- if $p_i$ inside, discard
- delete new non hull vertices and edges
- $2$ vertices $v_1,v_2$ of $\conv(S_{i-1})$ become $p_i$-neighbors
- other vertices unchanged.
- To implement:
- detect changes by moving out from edge cut by $\vec{p_0 p}$.
- for each hull edge deleted, must update cut-pointers to $\vec{p_iv_1}$ or $\vec{p_iv_2}$
Runtime analysis
- deletion cost of edges:
- charge to creation cost
- 2 edges created per step
- total work $O(n)$
- pointer update cost
- proportional to number of pointers crossing a deleted cut edge
- backwards analysis
- run backwards
- delete random point of $S_i$ ( not $\conv(S_i)$) to get $S_{i-1}$
- same number of pointers updated
- expected number $O(n/i)$
- what $\Pr[\mbox{update } p]$?
- $\Pr[\mbox{delete cut edge of } p]$
- $\Pr[\mbox{delete endpoint edge of } p]$
- $2/i$
- deduce $O(n\log n)$ runtime
Book studies 3d convex hull using same idea, time $O(n\log n)$, also gets voronoi diagram and Delauney triangulations.