Symmetry Breaking
Parallel Algorithms
- $P$ processors, each with a RAM, local registers
- global memory of $M$ locations
- each processor can in one step do a RAM op or read/write to one global memory location
- synchronous parallel steps
- various conflict resolutions (CREW, EREW, CRCW)
- not realistic, but explores “degree of parallelism”
Randomization in parallel:
- load balancing
- symmetry breaking
- isolating solutions
- NC: poly processor, polylog steps
- RNC: with randomization. polylog runtime, monte carlo
- ZNC: las vegas NC
- immune to choice of R/W conflict resolution
Practical observations:
- very little can be done in $o(\log n)$ with poly processors (binary tree of data aggregation usually needed)
- lots can be done in $\Theta(\log n)$
- often concerned about work which is processors times time
- algorithm is “optimal” if work equals best sequential
Basic operations
- and, or
- counting ones
- parallel prefix
- parallel algorithm for determinant
- based on parallel algorithm for matrix mult.
- Gives RNC algorithm for matching
Finding a Perfect Matching
We focus on bipartite; book does general case.
Last time, saw detection algorithm in $\RNC$:
- Tutte matrix
- Sumbolic determinant nonzero iff PM
- assign random values in $1,\ldots,2m$
- Matrix Mul, Determinant in $\NC$
How about finding one?
- If unique, no problem
- Since only one nozero term, ok to replace each entry by a 1.
- Remove each edge, see if still PM in parallel
- multiplies processors by $m$
- but still $\NC$
- make unique minimum weight perfect matching
- find it
Isolating lemma: [MVV]
- Family of distinct sets over $x_1,\ldots,x_m$
- assign random weights in $1,\ldots,2m$
- Pr(unique min-weight set)$\ge 1/2$
- Odd: no dependence on number of sets!
- (of course $< 2^m$)
- Fix item $x_i$
- $Y$ is min-value sets containing $x_i$
- $N$ is min-value sets not containing $x_i$
- true min-sets are either those in $Y$ or in $N$
- how decide? Value of $x_i$
- For $x_i=-\infty$, min-sets are $Y$
- For $x_i=+\infty$, min-sets are $N$
- As increase from $-\infty$ to $\infty$, single transition value when both $X$ and $Y$ are min-weight
- If only $Y$ min-weight, then $x_i$ in every min-set
- If only $X$ min-weight, then $x_i$ in no min-set
- If both min-weight, $x_i$ is ambiguous
- Suppose no $x_i$ ambiguous. Then min-weight set unique!
- Exactly one value for $x_i$ makes it ambiguous given remainder
- So Pr(ambiguous)$=1/2m$
- So Pr(any ambiguous)$< m/2m=1/2$
- Consider tutte matrix $A$
- Assign random value $2^{w_i}$ to $x_i$, with $w_i \in 1,\ldots,2m$
- Weight of matching is $2^{\sum w_i}$
- Let $W$ be minimum sum
- Unique w/pr $1/2$
- If so, determinant is odd multiple of $2^W$
- Try removing edges one at a time
- Edge in PM iff new determinant$/2^W$ is even.
- Big numbers? No problem: values have poly number of bits
$NC$ algorithm open.
For exact matching, $P$ algorithm open.
Parallel Maximal Independent set
trivial sequential algorithm
- inherently sequential
- from node point of view: each thinks can join MIS if others stay out
- randomization breaks this symmetry
Randomized idea
- each node joins with some probability
- all neighbors excluded
- many nodes join
- few phases needed
- all degree 0 nodes join
- node $v$ joins with probability $1/2d(v)$
- if edge $(u,v)$ has both ends marked, unmark lower degree vertex
- put all marked nodes in IS
- delete all neighbors
Intuition: $d$-regular graph
- vertex vanishes if it or neighbor gets chosen
- mark with probability $1/2d$
- prob (no neighbor marked) is $(1-1/2d)^d$, constant
- so const prob. of neighbor of $v$ marked---destroys $v$
- what about unmarking of $v$'s neighbor?
- prob(unmarking forced) only constant as argued above.
- So just changes constants
- const fraction of nodes vanish: $O(\log n)$ phases
- Implementing a phase trivial in $O(\log n)$.
For general case, define good vertices
- vertex disappears if neighbor in IS
- for which vertices is this likely?
- good: at least $1/3$ neighbors have lower degree
- prob. no neighbor of good marked $\le (1-1/2d(v))^{d(v)/3} \le e^{-1/6}$.
- So some neighbor marked with prob. $1-e^{-1/6}$
Prob any node chosen for IS, given marked, exceeds $1/2$
- suppose $w$ marked.
- only unmarked if higher degree neighbor marked
- higher degree neighbor marked with prob. $\le 1/2d(w)$
- only $d(w)$ such neighbors
- prob. any superior neighbor marked at most $1/2$ (union bound).
- conclude prob. good node gets neighbor in IS at least $\frac12(1-e^{-1/6})$
- If so, good node is deleted
- i.e., good node deleted with constant probability.
- Problem: perhaps only one good vertex?
Good edges
- any edge with a good neighbor
- has prob. $\alpha$ to vanish
- show half edges good
- if $m_j$ is number of edges after $j$ iters, have shown \[ E[m_j \mid m_{j-1}] \le (1-\alpha/2)m_{j_1} \]
- So, constant probability of reducing by constant factor
- So, $O(\log m)$ iters suffice to reduce by polynomial (Chernoff)
- Let $V_B$ be bad vertices; we count edges with both ends in $V_B$.
- direct edges from lower to higher degree $d_i$ is indegree, $d_o$ outdegree
- if $v$ bad, then $d_i(v) \le d(v)/3$
- deduce \[\sum_{V_B} d_i(v) \le \frac13 \sum_{V_B} d(v)=\frac13\sum_{V_B}( d_i(v)+d_o(v)) \]
- so $\sum_{V_B} d_i(v) \le \frac12 \sum_{V_B} d_o(v)$
- which means indegree can only “catch” half of outdegree; other half must go to good vertices.
- assign each bad edge incoming $v$ to distinct two edges leaving $v$.
- proves all edges at least twice bad edges
- ie as many good as bad
more carefully,
- $d_o(v)-d_i(v) \ge \frac13(d(v))=\frac13(d_o(v)+d_i(v))$.
- Let $V_G,V_B$ be good, bad vertices
- degree of bad vertices is $$ \begin{eqnarray*} 2e(V_B,V_B)+e(V_B,V_G)+e(V_G,V_B) &= & \sum_{v\in V_B} d_o(v)+d_i(v)\\ &\le &3\sum(d_o(v)-d_i(v))\\ &= &3(e(V_B,V_G)-e(V_G,V_B))\\ &\le &3(e(V_B,V_G)+e(V_G,V_B) \end{eqnarray*} $$ Deduce $e(V_B,V_B) \le e(V_B,V_G)+e(V_G,V_B)$. result follows.
- Analysis focuses on edges,
- so unsurprisingly, pairwise independence sufficient
- We used two lemmas.
- First that marked vertex probably stays marked
- But this only used union bound
- So still OK with pairwise independence
- Where did we use independence? to lower bound prob. pick
neighbor of good vertex.
- let $X_i$ be event to pick $i^{th}$ neighbor
- Write $p_i=\Pr[X_i]$
- he know for good vertex, $\sum p_i \ge \frac{d(v)}{3}\cdot\frac{1}{2v}$
- If $X_i$ independent that $\Pr[\cup X_i] \ge 1-\prod (1-p_i)$
- Analogue for pairwise: $\Pr[\cup X_i] \ge \frac12\min (\frac12,\sum p_i)$
- “Markov-like”
- Markov upper bounds using sum
- Lower bound by taking second inclusion-exclusion term
- (Might hope to use Chebyshev here, but that fails when $\sum p_i \le 1$.)
- Proof.
- Suppose $\sum p_i \le 1$ $$ \begin{align*} \Pr[\cup X_i]&\ge \sum \Pr[X_i] - \sum_{i < j} \Pr[X_i \cap X_j]\\ &= \sum p_i - \sum_{i < j} p_ip_j\\ &= \sum p_i - \frac12 \sum_{i \ne j} p_ip_j\\ &\ge \sum p_i -\frac12 \sum p_ip_j\\ &= \sum p_i -\frac12 (\sum p_i)^2\\ &= \sum p_i(1-\frac12 \sum p_i)\\ &\ge \frac12 \sum p_i \end{align*} $$
- Else if some $p_i > 1/2$, done ($X_i$ probably 1).
- Else $\sum p_i >1$, so discard $X_i$'s (each of $p_i< 1/2$ until $\frac12 < \sum p_i < 1$.
- First case applies to this subset.
- Combine lemmas. $$ \begin{align*} \Pr[v\mbox{ deleted}] &= \Pr[N(v)\mbox{marked and stays}]\\ &=\Pr[N(v)\mbox{ stays} \mid N(v)\mbox{ marked}]\Pr[N(v) \mbox{ marked}]\\ &\ge \alpha \Pr[N(v)\mbox{ stays} \mid N(v)\mbox{ marked}] \end{align*} $$
with care, $O(m)$ processors and $O(\log n)$ time (randomized)
LFMIS P-complete.