- Signup sheet.
- prerequisites: 6.046, 6.041/2, ability to do proofs
- dependence on 6.854
- narrower, deeper, less generally useful
- homework weekly (first friday)
- collaboration
- independent problems
- grading requirement
- term project
- books.
Randomized algorithms: make random choices during run. Main benefits:
- speed: may be faster than any deterministic
- even if not faster, often simpler (quicksort)
- sometimes, randomized is best
- sometime, randomized idea leads to deterministic algorithm
Distinguish average-cast analysis
- Probabilistic analysis assuming random input
- randomized algorithms do not assume random inputs
- so analyses are more applicable
We don't really use random numbers. But randomized algorithms break patterns we don't know are there.
- deterministic algorithm: works well except a few specific cases.
- But those are the ones you will encounter (Murphy)!
- randomized: almost always works well on any case
- but sometimes does bad on any case, so risky for life-threatening errors.
Course objective:
- Randomization is a general technique. Applies to all areas of CS.
- Underlying it is a common set of tools.
- Goal is to give familiarity with those tools so you can apply them to your own problems.
- To present tools, we draw appliations from many areas of CS: data structures, geometric algos, graph algos, parallel and distributed, number theory.
- Because so many, only a brief taste of each.
- But sufficient to go on alone.
Basic methodologies.
- Avoiding adversarial inputs
- sorted quicksort list
- a kind of random reordering (geometry---BSP)
- hashing to same buckets
- online algorithms
- note: “adversarial” may mean “well structured” i.e. natural
- fingerprinting/verification
- generate short random fingerprints for things
- faster than comparing things
- almost every fingerprint works
- so a random one works
- random sampling. graph algs, computational geometry, median
- fast way to find “typical” members
- solve representative subproblem fast
- extrapolate to solution of original problem
- load balancing
- randomization spreads things out uniformly
- parallel algs, routing, hashing
- symmetry breaking
- random decisions keep everyone from doing the same thing
- ethernet
- deadlock avoidance in distributed systems (MUST randomize)
- Probabilistic existence proofs
- thought experiment
- prove an object is built with positive probability
- guarantees object exists
- makes search for algo worthwhile.
Today: 2 really basic principles:
- linearity of expectation
- product of event probabilities (independence)
- Kinds of randomized algorithms
- a bit of complexity
Items $S_1,\ldots,S_n$ to be sorted
- suppose could pick middle element: \[ T(n) = 2T(n/2)+O(n) = O(n\log n) \] works since divides into much smaller subproblems
- picking middle is hard. But an almost middle element is OK.
- pick random element. “probably” near middle and divides problem in two
- bound expected number of comparisons $C$
- $X_{ij}=1$ if compare $i$ to $j$
- linearity of expectation: $E[C]=\sum E[X_{ij}]$
- $E[X_{ij}] = p_{ij}$
- Consider smallest recursive call involving both $i$ and $j$.
- pivot must be one of $S_i,\ldots,S_j$. all equally likely
- $S_i$ and $S_j$ get compared if pivot is $S_i$ or $S_j$
- probability is at most $2/(j-i+1)$ (may have outer elements)
- analysis: $$ \begin{align*} \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j>i} p_{ij} &\le \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j>i} 2/(j-i+1)\\ &= \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{k=1}^{n-i+1} 2/k\\ &\le 2\sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{k=1}^{n} 1/k\\ &\le 2nH_n\\ &= O(n\log n). \end{align*} $$
- (Define $H_n$, claim $O(\log n)$.)
- analysis holds for every input, doesn't assume random input
- we proved expected. can show high probability
- how did we pick a random elements? Depends on model.
- algorithm always works, but might be slow.
- linearity of expectation. hat check problem
- Rendering an image
- render a collection of polygons (lines)
- painters algorithm: draw from back to front; let front overwrite
- need to figure out order with respect to user
- Sort?
- Problem: items might be incomparable
- Problem: might be cycles in sort order
- Suggests need to split polygons
- define BSP.
- BSP is a data structure that makes order determination easy
- Build in preprocess step, then render fast.
- Choose any hyperplane (root of tree), split lines onto correct side of hyperplane, recurse
- If user is on side 1 of hyperplane, then nothing on side 2 blocks side 1, so paint it first. Recurse.
- time=BSP size
- User in DOOM, Quake, other FPS games
- sometimes must split to build BSP
- how limit splits?
- autopartition
- use lines to define
- random autopartitions
- analysis
- $\indx(u,v)=k$ if $k$ lines block $v$ from $u$
- $u \dashv v$ if $v$ cut by $u$ auto
- probability $1/(1+\indx(u,v))$.
- tree size is (by linearity of $E$) $$ \begin{eqnarray*} n+\sum 1/\indx(u,v) &\le & \sum_u 2H_n \end{eqnarray*} $$
- result: exists size $O(n\log n)$ auto
- gives randomized construction, time $O(n^2\log n)$
- best algorithm today: $O(n\log n)$ time to construct, size $O(n\log n)$.
- equally important, gives probabilistic existence proof of a small BSP
- so might hope to find deterministically.
- lower bound: $\Omega(n(\log n)/(\log\log n))$ in 2D so pretty tight (see Toth, “Binary Space Partitions: Recent Developments”.
- In 3D:
- exist $n$ non-intersecting triangles with every autopartition $\Omega(n^2)$
- Our same algorith, generalized the obvious way, uses $O(n^2)$ in expectation.
- lower bound shows this is tight (see Toth).
- the problem
- deterministic algorithms
- Max-flow
- Gabow
- contraction
- conditionally independent events
- give/analyze
- repetition for better success probability (independent events)
Consequence: counting number of min-cuts.
Consequence: enumerating all min-cuts.
Min-cut implementation
- data structure for contractions
- alternative view---permutations.
- deterministic leaf algo
- finds all min-cuts whp
Monte Carlo vs. Las Vegas
- turn LV to MC by truncating
- turn MC to LV by certifying.
- if can't certify, dangerous!
- quicksort is LV
- mincut is MC