A good choice of topic and results to present. You pick and choose what elements of the algorithm to present in more detail/formality, and I think you got it more or less right. Also, it has a very good writing style (a bit too informal for an actual paper, but works for this project very well). My main criticism would be that for most part, this report reads like a somewhat disseparate collection of streaming algorithms for matching. The very nice conceptual points are only revealed at the very end. This is a shame, as these are really nice conceptual points and it would be nice to direct the reader towards them earlier on. In fact, what would be even better - and I would strongly encourage you to do that - is to explore that direction further. That is to formalize these "reductions" of parallel alg. to linear sketch streaming, and local algorithms to random ordering streaming algorithm. Even if these reductions are now somewhat implicit in the current literature, I don't think they were fully explored and capitalized on yet. Doing that might lead to some nice advances. In any case, I enjoyed reading this report. Good job! Grade: A-