6.849: Geometric Folding Algorithms: Linkages, Origami, Polyhedra (Fall 2012)

Prof. Erik Demaine       TA: Jayson Lynch

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[+] Tensegrities: dot products, springs, software, sculpture.
Project discussion.

This class addresses a few topics about rigidity/tensegrity:
  • More intuition for the dot-product condition of infinitesimal rigidity.
  • Why use springs to construct bars?
  • More examples of tensegrity sculpture
  • Tomohiro Tachi's Freeform Tensegrity software
  • Make your own tensegrity following George Hart's instructions
The focus is then an improvised discussion with everyone about their ideas for projects. We will discuss what's known/been done on specific problems, brainstorm what would be most interesting for a project, etc.

Download Video: 360p, 720p

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