6.849: Geometric Folding Algorithms: Linkages, Origami, Polyhedra (Fall 2012)

Prof. Erik Demaine       TA: Jayson Lynch

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[+] Efficient origami design: Uniaxial, TreeMaker and Origamizer in practice, box-pleating tree method, tree method triangulation, universal molecule, gift wrapping, checkerboard gadgets, Origamizer software vs. mathematics, vertex/edge tucking molecules, Voronoi diagrams.

This class covers several additional details about Lecture 4 (efficient origami design):
  • How is complex origami design we've seen uniaxial?
  • How are TreeMaker and Origamizer used in practice?
  • Box-pleating version of the tree method from Origami Design Secrets (2nd edition)
  • Triangulation algorithm for the tree method
  • Universal molecule example
  • Gift-wrapping problems are still open
  • How to fold the more efficient checkerboard
  • How the Origamizer software works
  • How the guaranteed-correct Origamizer algorithm is more complicated

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