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GR5: Implementation

Due on Wednesday, May 7th, 2008, by demonstration to the teaching staff.


In this group assignment, you will do a working implementation of your term project.

By the deadline, your implementation should be complete in the sense that you are ready to test users on the tasks you used for your paper prototype. Your implementation should have both frontend and backend. User interactions should be live, not canned responses. For some projects, we understand that a complete backend may be beyond the scope of this class, and allowances will be made for that.

No written report is required for this assignment. Instead, your group will sign up for an appointment to demonstrate your implementation to the teaching staff on the due date. You will have a 20-minute time slot. Within this time, you will have to:

Demonstrations will generally take place on the 7th floor of Stata. You should make arrangements to bring your interface somehow: putting it on the Web, bringing it on a USB keychain drive or CD, or bringing your own laptop. If you want to use our machines for your demonstration, we have Windows XP, Debian Linux, Java 1.6, Firefox 2, Internet Explorer 7, mouse with scroll wheel, and displays with up to 1600x1200 resolution. If your interface has special needs that we can't provide, you can arrange for the demonstration to take place elsewhere, but you must make these arrangements in advance.

What to Hand In

There is no written report to hand in for this assignment.

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