# Install kinect drivers sudo apt-get install ros-electric-openni-kinect # Install turtlebot for pointcloud_to_laserscan sudo apt-get install ros-electric-turtlebot # Fake laserscan data Add the following as kinect_laser.launch to ros package ------------------------------------------------------------ # Launch kinect roslaunch openni_camera openni_node.launch # Visualize pointcloud in rviz rosrun rviz rviz Set fixed frame under .Global Options to /openni_camera Add a PointCloud2 type and select /camera/rgb/points as its topic ------------------------------------------------------------ # Launch faked laser scan roslaunch [pkg] kinect_laser.launch # Visualize scan data rosrun rviz rviz Set fixed frame under .Global Options to /openni_depth_frame Add LaserScan type and select /scan as its topic