Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Spring Semester, 2008
6.01: Introduction to EECS I

Guidelines for written homework

Handing in

All written homework is due at the beginning of your software lab section, and should be brought to lab. It should be: We will reject homework that is illegible, hopelessly messy, unstapled, without a name and section number, or emailed to us.


All post-lab hand-ins should be written in clear English sentences and paragraphs. We expect at least a couple of sentences or a paragraph in answer to each of the numbered questions included in the lab report. We're in interested in an explanation of your thinking, as well as the answer.

We also want the code you wrote. When you write up answers to programming problems in this course, don't just simply print out the code file and turn it in. Especially, don't turn in long sections of code that we've given you. Turn in your own code, with examples showing how it runs, and explanations of what you wrote and why.

When you describe the robot's behavior, try to be as specific as you can. In what situations did it work? When did it fail? Try the same things multiple times to see if the behavior is repeatable.

Here is an example of written homework


Each student must write up and hand in his/her own homework assignments. Many people -- some say most people -- learn more effectively when they study with partners and cooperate in various other ways on homework. We have no objection to this kind of collaboration. More than that, we encourage it, provided that all participants are involved in all aspects of the work -- not just split up the assignment and each do only a fraction. When you hand in a paper with your name on it we assume that you are certifying that the details are entirely your own work and that you played at least a substantial role in the conception stage.