Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Fall Semester, 2006
6.081: Introduction to EECS 1

General Information

Lecture: Tuesday 2:00-3:30 in 1-190 and 4:00-5:00 in 34-501
Lab: Thursday 2:00-5:00, in 34-501
Special homework tutoring in lab, Wednesday, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
TAs available in lab: Sunday 4:00-6:00 p.m., Monday 4:00-8:00 p.m.

This is a pilot for a new EECS core curriculum subject that explores fundamental ideas from electrical engineering and computer science in the context of working with mobile robots. It covers basic engineering ideas of abstraction and modularity, elements of programming, basic circuits, discrete-time control systems, and reasoning in the presence of uncertainty.


Assignments will be distributed on Tuesday. They will include a pre-lab assignment due before Thursday's lab and a post-lab assignment due the following Monday night. Each lab end with a short quiz on your labwork and on the homework due for that day.

Office hours

The TAs will hold office hours on Sunday from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. and Monday from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. in 34-501. This is a good opportunity to ask any questions you have remaining from the lab.

Wednesday evening homework sessions

You are welcome to do the homework for Thursday on your own if you prefer, or in a self-organized study group. But we suggest that your time will be much better spent if you do your pre-lab homework in the staffed Wednesday evening homework sessions. When programming, especially, it's easy to fall into in rat holes and spend enormous amounts of time digging yourself out. Doing your work when there are staff members around can be make things much easier.

Grading policy

There are five types of graded work:
  1. A take-home final exam
  2. A midterm
  3. Weekly nanoquizzes given in lab
  4. Weekly written problem sets
  5. Weekly assignments with the on-line tutor
All work is graded on a check-minus, check, check-plus scale. Late work will be automatically lowered one level.

In order to pass 6.081, you must:

In order to receive an A or a B, you must also

Decisions between A's and B's will be based on performance on graded work, and performance in lab.

Making up for check-minus work:

Policy on collaboration

Many people -- some say most people -- learn more effectively when they study with partners and cooperate in various other ways on homework. We have no objection to this kind of collaboration. More than that, we encourage it, provided that all participants are involved in all aspects of the work -- not just split up the assignment and each do only a fraction. When you hand in a paper with your name on it we assume that you are certifying that the details are entirely your own work and that you played at least a substantial role in the conception stage.