Groups 214 of 99+ julia-users › distance-jl 10 posts by 3 authors Jon Norberg 1 30 14 I am working on some sparse representation models. I was wondering if its difficult to implement a version of distance-jl so that one could write: r pairwise spzeros n,n ,Euclidean ,A,B,threshold and produce a sparse output with distances only where Euclidean A,B threshold. Not sure how the engine works in distance though, maybe the whole array HAS to be calculated for performance before one can apply the threshold. distance-jl has great performance but I just have to big Arrays :- Jon Norberg 1 30 14 I also noted that pairwise has a hard limit just above 10000 10000 array size output, at least it crashes julia for me. Is there a way to increase this? Jon Norberg 1 30 14 Well, I solved it for now with subsampling: using Distance n 50000 a rand 3,n time r pairwise Euclidean ,a,a subsample 10 m integer n subsample s spzeros n,n r zeros m,m threshold 0.2 for i 1:subsample-1 ii i-1 m+1 for j 1:subsample-1 jj j-1 m+1 r pairwise Euclidean ,a :,ii:ii+m-1 ,a :,jj:jj+m-1 r r. threshold 0 s ii:ii+m-1,jj:jj+m-1 sparse r end end If anyone know any performance improving tricks I'd be grateful. Alex 1 30 14 Hi Jon, A while ago there was a discussion on the list about a similar problem: https: forum !topic julia-users 72WC-zNo8Fk Maybe the suggestions there are of any help? Best, Alex. Douglas Bates 1 30 14 On Thursday, January 30, 2014 4:30:00 AM UTC-6, Jon Norberg wrote: Well, I solved it for now with subsampling: using Distance n 50000 a rand 3,n time r pairwise Euclidean ,a,a subsample 10 m integer n subsample You may need to be a bit more careful about the index ranges if n is not a multiple of subsample. s spzeros n,n Generally it is a bad idea to initialize a sparse matrix to zeros then insert elements. A SparseMatrixCSC object is stored in compressed column format which makes insertions expensive. The preferred approach is to create the matrix in triplet format i.e. three parallel vectors of the row indices, the column indices and the non-zero value for the non-zeros only and only convert to SparseMatrixCSC when you are done generating the matrix. r zeros m,m threshold 0.2 for i 1:subsample-1 ii i-1 m+1 for j 1:subsample-1 jj j-1 m+1 r pairwise Euclidean ,a :,ii:ii+m-1 ,a :,jj:jj+m-1 This will be more expensive then necessary because the subsections of 'a' will be copied I think . Because the arguments to pairwise are declared as AbstractArray types you can use sub a,:,ii:ii+m-1 or, if you add using NumericExtensions view a, :, ii:ii+m-1 . view is expected to become part of Base but I don't think that has happened yet. r r. threshold 0 s ii:ii+m-1,jj:jj+m-1 sparse r end end If anyone know any performance improving tricks I'd be grateful. I would start with something like using Distance,NumericExtensions Create a vector of k contiguous index ranges covering 1:N function subinds k, N step iceil N k rng 1:k res rng + j step for j in 0:k-2 push! res, k - 1 step + 1 :N res end function edist a::AbstractMatrix, nblocks::Int, threshold N size a,2 si subinds nblocks,N i Int j Int x eltype a for ii in si, jj in si r pairwise Euclidean , view a,:,ii , view a,:,jj ioffset start ii - 1 joffset start jj - 1 for ir in 1:size r,1 , jr in 1:size r,2 if rij r ir,jr threshold push! i,ioffset + ir push! j,joffset + jr push! x,rij end end end sparse i,j,x end which provides julia srand 1234321 julia A randn 500,1000 ; julia pairwise Euclidean ,view A,:,1:10 10x10 Array Float64,2 : 0.0 30.8681 31.0917 33.3303 32.6781 32.538 34.4923 32.0431 33.1331 31.7442 30.8681 0.0 29.9652 29.9959 30.6198 31.1438 30.9268 29.9775 30.2343 31.8855 31.0917 29.9652 0.0 31.9773 30.5056 30.9952 31.3752 30.8604 30.9147 30.2703 33.3303 29.9959 31.9773 0.0 32.9377 33.6873 33.0936 31.2665 32.1753 31.6462 32.6781 30.6198 30.5056 32.9377 0.0 31.5086 32.8416 30.4298 32.6461 30.5551 32.538 31.1438 30.9952 33.6873 31.5086 0.0 30.7051 32.0288 31.4237 31.9303 34.4923 30.9268 31.3752 33.0936 32.8416 30.7051 0.0 31.1203 32.0035 31.5522 32.0431 29.9775 30.8604 31.2665 30.4298 32.0288 31.1203 0.0 30.3211 30.6363 33.1331 30.2343 30.9147 32.1753 32.6461 31.4237 32.0035 30.3211 0.0 31.6678 31.7442 31.8855 30.2703 31.6462 30.5551 31.9303 31.5522 30.6363 31.6678 0.0 julia ed edist A,10,28.5 998x998 sparse matrix with 30 Float64 nonzeros: 976, 210 28.16 976, 310 28.2496 976, 408 27.9055 982, 408 28.4838 998, 502 28.2881 998, 604 28.2445 917, 609 27.9873 ⋮ 917, 986 28.3307 976, 988 28.3014 502, 998 28.2881 604, 998 28.2445 705, 998 28.2145 934, 998 28.3334 964, 998 28.0159 976, 998 28.2735 julia time edist A,10,28.5 ; elapsed time: 0.017411791 seconds 1127192 bytes allocated Douglas Bates 1 30 14 The code that I used in the example is slightly different from the code I showed, and also wrong. I added the condition that ir ! jr when deciding whether to record a value in the triplet form. However, that is the wrong condition. I should check whether ioffset + ir is equal to joffset + jr. function edist a::AbstractMatrix, nblocks::Int, threshold N size a,2 si subinds nblocks,N i Int j Int x eltype a for ii in si, jj in si r pairwise Euclidean , view a,:,ii , view a,:,jj ioffset start ii - 1 joffset start jj - 1 for ir in 1:size r,1 , jr in 1:size r,2 if ie ioffset + ir ! je joffset + jr && rij r ir,jr threshold push! i,ie push! j,je push! x,rij end end end sparse i,j,x end It turns out that this does not affect the results but that was just a matter of good fortune. Jon Norberg 1 31 14 Thank you very much Douglas! I learned a lot there. I didn't get it to work straight away running julia studio so its using julia 0.2 . But these changes made it work: function subinds k, N step iceil N k rng 1:step res rng + j step for j in 0:k-2 push! res, k - 1 step + 1 :N res end function edist a::AbstractMatrix, nblocks::Int, threshold N size a,2 si subinds nblocks,N i Int j Int x eltype a for ii in si, jj in si r pairwise Euclidean , view a,:,ii , view a,:,jj r pairwise Euclidean , a :,si 2 , a :,si 2 ioffset ii 1 - 1 joffset jj 1 - 1 for ir in 1:size r,1 , jr in 1:size r,2 if ie ioffset + ir ! je joffset + jr && rij r ir,jr threshold push! i,ie push! j,je push! x,rij end end end sparse i,j,x end Douglas Bates 1 31 14 On Friday, January 31, 2014 4:11:28 PM UTC-6, Jon Norberg wrote: Thank you very much Douglas! I learned a lot there. I didn't get it to work straight away running julia studio so its using julia 0.2 . But these changes made it work: function subinds k, N step iceil N k rng 1:step res rng + j step for j in 0:k-2 push! res, k - 1 step + 1 :N res end function edist a::AbstractMatrix, nblocks::Int, threshold N size a,2 si subinds nblocks,N i Int j Int x eltype a for ii in si, jj in si r pairwise Euclidean , view a,:,ii , view a,:,jj r pairwise Euclidean , a :,si 2 , a :,si 2 But that isn't equivalent to view a,:,ii , view a,:,jj . At least you need to replace si 2 in the first expression by ii and in the second expression by jj to get all pairs of columns. I'm not sure what the situation was in 0.2 but now indexing into an array copies the block whereas using sub a, :, ii doesn't create a copy. The current situation is that later operations on the result of sub a,:,ii can be slow compared to the use of view, especially for contiguous views, which these are. ioffset ii 1 - 1 joffset jj 1 - 1 for ir in 1:size r,1 , jr in 1:size r,2 if ie ioffset + ir ! je joffset + jr && rij r ir,jr threshold push! i,ie push! j,je push! x,rij end end end sparse i,j,x end Jon Norberg 1 31 14 yes, you are right, just saw the bug with si should be ii and jj will use sub as soon as I get 0.3. Also, I did this little script to sort the xy array before hand. just need ot figure out a smart way to constrain the loops to avoid calculating pairs of block that can't have any distance below threshold. n 5000 a rand 3,n . 1000 b zeros Int64,4,n b 4,: 1:n b 1:3,: round a 100 bb deepcopy sortcols b aa deepcopy a for i 1:n a :,i aa :,bb 4,i end s edist a,10,100 s 1000,: Jon Norberg 2 2 14 And that smart way is of course kNN algorithm...