Groups 197 of 99+ julia-users › Julia on remote Linux server - basics 2 posts by 2 authors Hayk Aleksanyan 12 15 15 I am trying to run Julia on remote Linux server from my desktop Ubuntu computer using the terminal window. The server has julia 0.4.2 installed, and I am able to initiate ssh connection with the server. My questions are really standard, but I was not able to find answers on the internet. So could anyone please give some hints on the following. 1. how to invoke Julia on remote Linux server using the Terminal window, given that the connection has already been established ? In particular, I've written a Julia module which I want to use on the server for some speed-up. The module itself works fine. 2. Will Julia automatically utilize all available resources cpu-s of the server or I need to adjust the code manually to achieve that ? E.g. if the process concerns standard matrix operations, or loops in general? Many thanks in advance, Hayk FQ 12 15 15 I am trying to run Julia on remote Linux server from my desktop Ubuntu computer using the terminal window . The server has julia 0.4.2 installed, and I am able to initiate ssh connection with the server. My questions are really standard, but I was not able to find answers on the internet. So could anyone please give some hints on the following. 1. how to invoke Julia on remote Linux server using the Terminal window, given that the connection has already been established ? type julia in the terminal and press enter to start a julia console. if you want to execute a julia script in a file, instead type julia filename-jl if the file's first line is ! usr bin env julia you can also make the file executable with chmod +x filename-jl and run it with . filename-jl instead. In particular, I've written a Julia module which I want to use on the server for some speed-up. The module itself works fine. 2. Will Julia automatically utilize all available resources cpu-s of the server or I need to adjust the code manually to achieve that ? E.g. if the process concerns standard matrix operations, or loops in general? Julia does some things like in parallel, however you can manually optimise your code: http: en latest manual parallel-computing.html You can use the program htop type htop in another terminal with ssh to the server to watch cpu usage.