Groups 196 of 99+ julia-users › Do I need to pay for Juliabox? 2 posts by 2 authors AStupidbear 12 24 15 If I want to do parrallel computing, how could I pay to get it? Viral Shah 12 26 15 At the moment, we don't have a way to pay for parallel computing. If there were sufficient interest, we would love to build it. Also, there is the longer term issue of funding JuliaBox, which currently runs on sponsorship. We suspect we will need a new sponsor in 4 months, or the whole of JuliaBox would have to be on some kind of subscription, with the free tier being significantly more constrained than it is right now. Would love to hear any ideas that folks here may have. -viral On Friday, December 25, 2015 at 10:21:57 AM UTC+5:30, Yao Lu wrote: If I want to do parrallel computing, how could I pay to get it?