Groups 189 of 99+ julia-users › replacing require by include does not import DataFrames 2 posts by 1 author Fred May 27 Hi ! I have a old parallel program that works perfectly with require and I can't manage to make it work with include . The reason I try to do that is that require is deprecated. old program that worked : main : require file-jl pmap function, list_of_dataframes file-jl : using DataFrames function df readtable df some computation writetable df2 end new program that never worked : main : include file-jl pmap function, list_of_dataframes file-jl : using DataFrames everywhere function df readtable df some computation writetable df2 end So in summary I replaced required by include and I had everywhere in front of the function of the file included. But the problem is that DataFrames is not imported and I can't read any dataframe CapturedException UndefVarError :readtable . I tried everywhere using DataFrames but it did not solve the problem. RemoteException 2,CapturedException UndefVarError :readtable ,Any :function,symbol file-jl ,25,symbol ,-1,1 , :anonymous,symbol multi-jl ,923,symbol ,-1,1 , :run_work_thunk,symbol multi-jl ,661,symbol ,-1,1 , :anonymous,symbol multi-jl ,923,symbol task-jl ,63,1 thank you for your help ! Fred May 27 I found a solution that works partially with warnings : push! LOAD_PATH, pwd using file WARNING: requiring file in module Main did not define a corresponding module.