Groups 186 of 99+ julia-users › mkpath race condition on cluster? 1 post by 1 author David van Leeuwen Jun 24 Hello, I am experiencing strange errors related to code that tries to ensure a directory is there: dir dirname dest if isfile dir warn Directory is file: , dir continue else mkpath dir end However, while running this script parallel on a cluster, I regularly get the error: ERROR: LoadError: SystemError: mkdir: File exists in mkdir at file-jl:42 in mkpath at file-jl:50 inlined code from home ... Maybe it is NFS that is caching too aggressively, or lying about the existence of concurrently created directories. I don't know. Would there be a way to make `mkpath ` behave more atomically? At the moment I have to replace the `mkpath ` above with `ensuredir ` below: function ensuredir d::AbstractString if !isdir d try mkpath d catch e isdir d || throw e end end end Thanks, ---david P.S. If this is a re-post, I didn't loose the original in the end in google somewhat buggy groups interface...