Groups 181 of 99+ julia-users › Starting Julia with Julia -p 2 provides 1 worker 11 posts by 3 authors Iacopo Poli Apr 19 Hi, I'm trying to start Julia with more than one worker, but if I type in the terminal for example julia -p 2 , then in the REPL nworkers returns 1. I have version 0.5.0-dev+3488 and a Intel Core i5 Macbook Pro Mid 2012 . Running system_profiler: system_profiler SPHardwareDataType Hardware: Hardware Overview: Model Name: MacBook Pro Model Identifier: MacBookPro9,2 ... Total Number of Cores: 2 ... So I should be able to start Julia with two workers... Any guess why this isn't working? This message has been deleted. Greg Plowman Apr 19 julia -p 2 will start Julia with 2 processes. nprocs will return 2 nworkers will return 1 1 less than nprocs http: en release-0.4 stdlib parallel ?highlight nworkers Base.nworkers Andre Bieler Apr 19 As Greg said, the total number of workers is one less than the number of available processes. There is always one master process with id 1, and not considered a worker and the remaining workers. So for julia -p 3 you will get one master process and two workers. The documentation may be misleading in this context, as it says: Starting with julia -p n provides n worker processes on the local machine. But nworkers is actually n-1. However, if you do a everywhere, the expression will be executed on all n processes. Iacopo Poli Apr 19 All of this seems very reasonable... Except for the fact that also nprocs is returning 1 after calling julia -p 2 :D I call julia from terminal using export PATH in bash_profile, but the behavior is the same if I go in the directory and call . Julia -p 2 Plus, I think I saw n workers after a call at julia -p n in Julia 0.4 on another machine, but not sure about it... btw the doc really is misleading, maybe should be restated in more clearly, but it's a minor issue Andre Bieler Apr 19 Huh.. I just tried julia -p 2 on version 0.4.5 and it actually starts with 3 processes and 2 workers. So the docs are correct. Sorry i cant help with the 0.5 version.. Iacopo Poli Apr 20 I downloaded version 0.4.5, again calling it with -p 2 returns 1 process and 1 worker... I really can't understand why Greg Plowman Apr 20 Sorry, I can't really help you with command line julia -p 2 But what happens when you call addprocs from REPL? Also, what is the value of CPU_CORES typed at REPL ? This message has been deleted. Iacopo Poli Apr 21 Calling addprocs from REPL with for example CPU_CORES as argument returns 5 procs and 4 workers as expected, CPU_CORES returns 4 physical cores are 2, but logical ones are 4 . Also rmprocs n works fine, it lets me remove all procs but the first as I would expect. Iacopo Poli Apr 28 A friend on mine encounters the same problem with another Macbook Pro model and El Captain OS. julia -p N doesn't work from terminal but addprocs works as a charm