Groups 169 of 99+ julia-users › help with parallelization 5 posts by 2 authors Seth 8 28 15 I'm not understanding the docs on parallelization. I'd like to parallelize a betweenness centrality calculation: for s in nodes state dijkstra_shortest_paths g, s; allpaths true if endpoints _accumulate_endpoints! betweenness, state, g, s else _accumulate_basic! betweenness, state, g, s end end nodes is a vector of ints over which the calculation should be run by default, this is every vertex in the graph . Because both state and _accumulate_ are independent calculations, it seems to me that I could take advantage of multiple cores processors to speed things up. However, I don't know where to start. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. State has arrays of ints called dists and parents - each run through this loop alters these arrays, but there's no dependence between loop iterations. Seth 8 29 15 Following up - this doesn't seem to work and I don't know why: julia nprocs 4 julia everywhere d Vector LightGraphs.DijkstraState 3000 julia everywhere g readgraph Users seth dev julia wip LightGraphs-jl test testdata pgp2.jgz pgp julia everywhere h g 1:3000 julia a sync parallel for v in 1:nv h iterate over the vectors d v dijkstra_shortest_paths h,v put the return value of d_s_p into the array end 3-element Array Any,1 : RemoteRef Channel Any 2,1,61 RemoteRef Channel Any 3,1,63 RemoteRef Channel Any 4,1,65 Why is sync parallel returning an array of RemoteRefs, and is there something straightforward I need to do to make this work properly? Nils Gudat 8 29 15 There could be different problems with your code: 1. dijkstra_shortest_paths might not be defined on the remote workers your snippet doesn't show where you define this ; you can check this by doing remotecall_fetch 3,isdefined,:dijkstra_shortest_paths 2. d has to be a SharedArray if you want to write on it from the worker processors directly, but this only works for bits types so far if I'm not mistaken Seth 8 29 15 Thanks. Dijkstra is defined, but the shared array is probably an issue. Is there a way to parallelize this? Seth 8 30 15 OK, following up: I have a function that calculates Dijkstra shortest paths for a vector of source vertices and will return a DijkstraState object for each vertex. This function runs in 15 seconds over 500 vertices on one thread. I wrote a function to split the source vertices into N different equal-sized vectors and use pmap to run each chunk in a separate thread. This new function takes 4x as long as the single thread on my 4-core machine. Activity monitor shows each core running at about 50 for a little while, then cores 3 and 4 drop to zero. Code is here: https: sbromberger 93e503ab3ea87a5a1630 I can't figure out why parallelizing this code results in a time increase. The graph is large about 8 gigs but it's read-only for this function. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I'd love to be able to scale this to 100+ cores at some point. On Saturday, August 29, 2015 at 7:33:45 PM UTC-7, Seth wrote: Thanks. Dijkstra is defined, but the shared array is probably an issue. Is there a way to parallelize this?