Groups 159 of 99+ julia-users › python-like generators? 5 posts by 5 authors Neal Becker Oct 13 julia-0.5 supports generator expressions, ala python, which is very nice. Any thoughts on supporting the more general python generator functions, as described e.g.: https: moin Generators? I haven't used them much myself well, once , but they seem a really cool idea. Tom Breloff Oct 13 I've used them, and I think a Julia Task is a better comparison. So while the syntax is different you can accomplish the same thing. Mauro Oct 13 Isn't this the same as tasks in Julia? http: en release-0.5 stdlib parallel Although, note that their performance is not on par with start-next-done iteration. David Anthoff Oct 13 22 hours ago I don't think so. I think the python generator functions are modeled after the Clanguage yield keyword, which is a way to implement an iterator. I believe tasks are quite a different beast. At least in Clanguage tasks interact with the async await story really well. I think the julia tasks might be similar to that, but I'm not sure. In any case, having a yield keyword to implement standard iterators would be fantastic. Simply a way to get the start, next and done methods implemented automatically. Ralph Smith Oct 13 18 hours ago According to the manual, Tasks are coroutines. The Wikipedia article relates them to generators. For any recovering Clanguage programmers in the audience, this related article might remind you why you prefer to be here in the land of honest macros.